Overview:  With the steady increase in automobile production, especially the proportion of new energy vehicles in the automobile industry manufacturing has increased significantly, resulting in an increase in the demand for new car market, replacement market and maintenance market. Since 2020, the market scale of automotive rubber seals has continued to increase, and the data shows that the output of the automotive rubber seals industry in 2022 will be about 302,900 tons, and the demand will be about 270,800 tons, respectively, an increase of 9.0% and 9.1% year-on-year. In 2022, the market size of the automotive rubber seal industry will be about 26.38 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.15%, of which the market size of new energy vehicles will be 8.011 billion yuan, accounting for 30.37%.

一、Automotive rubber products account for 6% of the cost of the whole vehicle, and the cost of waste tire and rubber products accounts for 2%

Seals are the main mechanical elements installed to prevent fluid leakage from equipment such as hydraulic and pneumatic transmission systems and their components, and to prevent the ingress of foreign objects. According to whether the parts move between the parts during the sealing work, the seal can be divided into two categories: static seal and dynamic seal. Static seal, also known as packing, refers to the seals used in the fixed part and at rest, mainly including gasket sealing, glue sealing and direct contact sealing. Dynamic seal, also called sealing ring, refers to the seals used in reciprocating and rotary movements such as power pumps, compressors, actuators, etc., mainly including two basic types: rotary seals and reciprocating seals.

Automotive rubber seals refer to a class of auto parts that use ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), steel strip or aluminum strip as raw materials, applied to the windows, doors, trunks, body and other parts of automobiles, providing sound insulation, waterproofing, sealing, shock absorption and other functions. Automotive rubber parts account for more than 50% of the production and sales of the rubber parts industry, and are the main application areas of rubber parts. At the same time, in the cost structure of automobiles, rubber parts account for about 6%. Among them, automotive non-tire rubber products account for about 2%. At present, the main products of automotive rubber products are sealing products (oil seals, sealing strips and O-rings), transmission products, vibration damping products, hoses and safety products (film and bowl) 5 categories, about 1,000 kinds of products, more than 8,000 specifications.

二、The proportion of production and sales of new energy vehicles has increased significantly, and the future market prospects are broad

The upstream of the automotive rubber seal industry chain is mainly the supply of rubber, steel, aluminum and other raw materials, the middle stream is the production and manufacturing of automotive rubber seals, and the downstream is mainly used in the automotive industry, including traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles.

The upstream of the automotive rubber seal industry chain is mainly the supply of rubber, steel, aluminum and other raw materials, the middle stream is the production and manufacturing of automotive rubber seals, and the downstream is mainly used in the automotive industry, including traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles.

From the perspective of the downstream market, the proportion of new energy vehicles in the overall automobile production has increased significantly in recent years. According to statistics, the production of the automotive industry in 2022 will be 27.021 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%, the production of new energy vehicles will reach 7.058 million units, a year-on-year increase of 99.2%, and the proportion of new energy vehicle production will increase from 5.4% in 2020 to 26.1% in 2022.

三、Benefiting from the market demand of new energy vehicles, the market scale of automotive rubber seals continues to increase

Rubber sealing products are a key part of the composition of automobile structure, which plays a vital role in improving automobile sealing performance, achieving sound insulation and noise reduction, and optimizing braking effects. For a long time, the continuous development of the global automotive industry has generated new demand for sealing technology, driving the improvement of rubber sealing products manufacturing technology, and further expanding the market. According to statistics, the global automotive rubber seal industry market size will be about 13.72 billion US dollars in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 4.7%.

In terms of the supply and demand of the automotive rubber seal market, with the steady increase in automobile production, especially the proportion of new energy vehicles in the automotive industry manufacturing has increased significantly, resulting in an increase in the demand for new car market, replacement market and maintenance market. Since 2020, the market scale of automotive rubber seals has continued to increase, and the data shows that the domestic automotive rubber seals industry will produce about 302,900 tons in 2022 and demand about 270,800 tons, up 9.0% and 9.1% year-on-year, respectively.