Rubber seals lead the safe and stable operation of industrial equipment

As industrial manufacturing develops towards intelligence and efficiency, rubber seals play an increasingly important role in various industrial equipment. This type of seal made of polymer materials is widely used in pumps, valves, mechanical equipment, industrial containers and other fields with excellent sealing performance, corrosion resistance and temperature adaptability, ensuring the safety and stability of industrial production.



Industry data shows that the global industrial rubber seal market size has exceeded US$30 billion in 2023, and is expected to reach US$50 billion by 2028, with an annual compound growth rate of about 10%. This strong growth momentum is mainly driven by the following major factors

The vigorous development of industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing
With the advent of the Industrial 4.0 era, the demand for reliable sealing of various industrial equipment has become increasingly prominent. Rubber seals can ensure efficient and stable operation of equipment with excellent resistance to compression deformation and good temperature adaptability.

The rapid growth of heavy chemical industries such as petrochemicals

In heavy chemical industries such as petrochemicals, metallurgy, and electricity, high temperature, high pressure, and corrosive media are common. These harsh process conditions put forward higher requirements for seals, and rubber seals are favored for their excellent chemical resistance.

In-depth promotion of energy-saving and environmental protection concepts
In industrial production, leakage problems will not only cause economic losses, but also cause serious pollution to the environment. Therefore, the use of highly reliable rubber seals can effectively curb medium leakage and achieve energy conservation and emission reduction goals.

In the face of growing market demand, rubber seal manufacturers have stepped up their technological innovation efforts and continuously launched new products with better performance. The following are several technological breakthroughs worth noting

New chemical-resistant rubber formula
For harsh environments such as petrochemicals and metallurgy, corrosion-resistant rubber seals with special additives have been developed, which can also play a stable sealing role under harsh working conditions.

Integrated sealing solutions
The sealing ring, support ring, guide ring and other components are integrated into a single design to simplify the installation process while improving reliability.


Rubber material Eigenschaften  Operating temperature range Hauptanwendungsbereiche
Nitrilkautschuk (NBR) Excellent oil and wear resistance, good heat resistance -30°C to 100°C Hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems, automotive industry
Fluororubber (Viton) Excellent chemical resistance, temperature resistance, ozone resistance and weathering resistance -20°C to 250°C Chemical industry, aerospace, automobile engines
Neoprene (CR) Good oil resistance, heat resistance, excellent ozone resistance and weather resistance  -50°C to120°℃ Automobile, shipbuilding, construction industry
Silikon Excellent high and low temperature resistance, ozone resistance, good electrical insulation -60°C to 200°C Medical equipment, food industry, electronic products
EPDM Excellent heat resistance, weather resistance, aging resistance, and water vapor resistance -50°C to 150°C Automobile sealing strips, building sealing strips, plumbing equipment
Polytetrafluorethylen (PTFE) Excellent chemical resistance at high temperatures, non-sticky, excellent electrical insulation -200°C to 260°C Chemical pipelines, seals, insulation materials
Polyurethane (PU) High wear resistance, excellent tear resistance, good oil resistance -30°C to 80°C Industrial machinery, hydraulic cylinders, printing machinery


Application of intelligent monitoring technology
Pressure, temperature and other sensors are embedded in the seal to achieve real-time monitoring and early warning of the sealing status, greatly improving the safety of equipment operation.
These technological innovations not only improve the performance level of rubber seals, but also further expand their application boundaries in the industrial field. The following are two typical application cases:

  • Case 1: A chemical plant uses corrosion-resistant rubber seals to replace traditional metal seals
    The chemical plant uses highly corrosive acid and alkali media in its production process. Traditional metal seals are easily corroded and frequently replaced at high costs. After evaluation, the factory selected rubber seals with excellent corrosion resistance, which not only greatly reduced maintenance costs, but also improved the stability of equipment operation.
  • Case 2: Hydraulic system uses integrated rubber seal solutions
    A construction machinery manufacturer uses an integrated rubber seal in the hydraulic cylinder sealing system to replace the traditional multi-component sealing structure. This not only simplifies the installation process and reduces the risk of sealing surface leakage, but also effectively improves the overall sealing performance and service life.

It can be seen that with excellent sealing performance and wide applicability, rubber seals have become the key guarantee for the safe and stable operation of industrial equipment. In the future, we have reason to believe that with further technological breakthroughs, Gummidichtungen will play a more important role in industrial automation, energy conservation and emission reduction.