Compuestos de caucho profesionales y soporte para juntas de caucho - Logotipo Linde

Juntas de caucho EPDM

EPDM(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) rubber seal

EPDM rubber seal is a seal made of EPDM (ethylene propylene rubber) material. EPDM rubber is a weather-resistant, aging-resistant and chemical-resistant rubber material with excellent performance and a wide range of applications. The following are some features and applications of EPDM rubber seals.

EPDM Related Rubber Seals Products

DIN 11851 JUNTAS 2

EPDM DIN11851 Juntas de abrazadera

Nombre:EPDM DIN11851 Juntas de abrazadera

Aplicación:Industria farmacéutica, Conexiones de tuberías ; Conexiones de bridas;

Conocido por su resistencia al calor, los productos químicos y el envejecimiento, el material EPDM se utiliza en las juntas de sujeción DIN 11851 debido a sus excelentes propiedades de sellado. Estas juntas están diseñadas para adaptarse a las conexiones de abrazadera DIN 11851 en las industrias alimentaria, de bebidas, farmacéutica e higiénica. Garantizan un sellado seguro e higiénico que evita las fugas y la contaminación. Las juntas de abrazadera DIN 11851 de EPDM son adecuadas para aplicaciones higiénicas, fáciles de instalar y mantienen las condiciones sanitarias en las tuberías de proceso.

Carcasa Goma Tapa Motor Tope Montura

filtro de aire tampón

El amortiguador del filtro de aire es una pieza de goma utilizada en automóviles, motocicletas y otros equipos con motor de combustión interna. Actúa como amortiguador y aislante, prolongando la vida útil del filtro de aire, minimizando los golpes y las vibraciones y protegiéndolo de posibles daños. Está aprobado por SAE J726; ISO 9001; ISO/TS 16949; y ASTM D2000. Está fabricado en EPDM. Para garantizar la calidad del producto, Linde Polymer emplea materias primas de primera calidad y un estricto control de calidad. Para mejorar el rendimiento y la eficacia del filtro de aire durante la limpieza, se utiliza el amortiguador para sostenerlo y amortiguarlo.

Juntas de conexión blandas de goma

Rubber soft connection seals have the advantages of good soft and elastic effect, so the details can be handled in the seal. Rubber soft connection adopts internal seamless high pressure rubber soft connection, which can prevent the corrosion of corrosive media on the inner wall of rubber soft connection more effectively in the pipeline with high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance and oil resistance. Improved service life. The rubber soft connection can realize the connection and compensation of the equivalent diameter pipeline system, and realize the purpose of simultaneously connecting and compensating the pipeline system in one application. After installation, the noise generated by the pipeline pump and other vibrations can be reduced, and the vibration absorption ability is strong.

Juntas de caucho EPDM resistentes a la intemperie

Juntas de caucho EPDM resistentes a la intemperie

Las juntas de caucho EPDM resistentes a la intemperie son un tipo de junta de caucho sintético con una excelente resistencia a las condiciones meteorológicas. Son perfectas para aplicaciones exteriores en equipos eléctricos, vehículos, barcos y estructuras. Estas juntas pueden soportar temperaturas extremas, oxígeno, ozono, luz ultravioleta y contaminantes transportados por el aire. El agua, el aire, el polvo y otros contaminantes no pueden atravesarlas porque conservan su elasticidad y sus cualidades de estanquidad. Dado que las juntas de caucho EPDM son resistentes a los rayos UV, al calor y a los productos químicos, pueden utilizarse en una gran variedad de entornos. Tienen un rango de temperatura de -40°C a +125°C; sin embargo, la formulación, los aditivos y el diseño de la junta pueden afectar a la cantidad de calor que pueden tolerar.

Wash Arm Seals

wash arm seal

A wash arm seal is a type of rubber seal used in dishwashers and other home appliances that helps to ensure proper cleaning by stopping leaks and directing water flow to the right place. It offers consistent sealing and longevity by fitting tightly between the washing arm and fuselage. Certified by the FDA, NSF, REACH, RoHS, ISO, and ASTM, high-quality seals are guaranteed. They provide effective sealing, guard against water damage, improve washing results, and are corrosion-resistant. They save maintenance expenses since they are versatile and work with different dishwashing models.

Mazo de cables del automóvil

The car wiring harness is essential for protecting wires and cables from mechanical damage, chemical corrosion, and high temperatures. It can withstand various environments, including 120°C and 150°C, and is suitable for both moving and static joints. The harness sheath ensures protection from vibration, friction, and corrosion, prolonging the wires’ lifespan. It also facilitates the management of different wire harnesses, improves waterproof levels, enhances aesthetics, and improves security, reducing vehicle failure rates and preventing short circuits and worm wires.


Juntas de caucho EPDM elastómero

EPDM rubber gaskets are widely used due to their excellent weather resistance, chemical resistance and aging resistance. They are resistant to various conditions such as UV rays, oxygen and atmospheric conditions. EPDM rubber also exhibits good corrosion resistance, allowing it to withstand high temperatures. Its elasticity and resilience make it suitable for use in a variety of industries, including food processing, water systems and HVAC. These gaskets meet food grade certification requirements and are suitable for a variety of applications.

repair kits expansion valve

Juntas de válvulas de expansión de sistemas de refrigeración

Juntas de válvulas de expansión de sistemas de refrigeración

Rubber seals for refrigeration systems undergo various tests to evaluate their mechanical properties and suitability. These tests include physical performance testing, chemical resistance testing, temperature resistance testing, expansion performance testing, seal performance testing, contact stress testing, damage and leakage testing, and contact deformation measurement. Physical properties like hardness, density, tensile strength, and tear strength are evaluated. Chemical resistance tests assess the seal’s stability and durability in specific chemicals. Temperature resistance testing ensures the seal maintains performance under extreme temperatures. Expansion performance tests simulate expansion behavior under real working conditions. Damage and leakage testing uses infrared thermal imaging and digital image correlation technology.

Junta del motor

La junta del motor es un componente crucial en los procesos de fabricación modernos, ya que impide la entrada de sustancias externas en el motor. Está hecho de EPDM y tiene varios tipos, como la junta tórica, la junta mecánica de doble cara y la junta magnética. Estas juntas sirven para diversos fines, como la impermeabilización, la protección contra el polvo, la anticorrosión y la reducción del ruido. La selección y el diseño de la junta del motor influyen significativamente en su rendimiento y longevidad.

EPDM Rubber Seals Features

Resistencia a la intemperie

EPDM rubber seals have excellent weather resistance, can resist the effects of ultraviolet rays, ozone and oxygen, are not easy to age and harden, and can be used outdoors and in harsh environments for a long time.

Resistencia química

EPDM rubber seals have good resistance to a variety of chemicals, including acids, alkalis, solvents and oxidants, and are suitable for various chemical environments.

Resistencia a la temperatura

EPDM rubber seals maintain good elasticity and sealing performance over a wide temperature range. Generally, they can operate in a temperature range of -50°C to +150°C.

Good elasticity and recovery

EPDM rubber seals have excellent elasticity and recovery properties, can provide reliable sealing effects, and are suitable for static and dynamic sealing applications.


Industria del automóvil: EPDM rubber seals are widely used in the automotive industry, including door seals, glass seals, hood seals, etc. They can effectively prevent the penetration of water, dust and noise, improving the vehicle’s sealing and comfort.


Industria de la construcción: EPDM rubber seals are used in the construction field for door and window sealing, roof sealing, wall sealing, etc. They prevent the leakage of water, gas and heat, improving a building’s insulation and energy efficiency.


HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems: EPDM rubber seals can be used to seal pipes, valves and equipment in HVAC systems. They can withstand high temperatures, high pressures and chemical corrosion, ensuring the normal operation and efficiency of the system.


Electric power industry: EPDM rubber seals can be used for sealing and protection of power equipment and cables, such as cable joint seals, transformer seals, etc. They prevent the intrusion of moisture and contaminants, protecting the safety and stability of your equipment.

EPDM rubber seals have excellent mechanical, physical, chemical and processing properties. The following is a detailed introduction:

Comportamiento mecánico

Strength and wear resistance: EPDM rubber seals have high strength and wear resistance, can withstand certain tensile, compression and shear forces, are not easily deformed or broken, and extend their service life.

Elasticity and recovery: EPDM rubber seals have good elasticity and recovery properties, and can quickly return to their original shape and maintain the sealing effect even after long-term stress loading.

Propiedades físicas

Weather resistance: EPDM rubber seals have excellent weather resistance, can resist the erosion of ultraviolet rays, ozone and oxygen, are not easy to age and harden, and maintain good elasticity and sealing performance.

Sealing: EPDM rubber seals can provide excellent sealing effects, prevent the leakage of liquids, gases and solid particles, and ensure effective isolation of the sealing position.

Chemical properties

Chemical resistance: EPDM rubber seals show good resistance to a variety of chemical environments, including acids, alkalis, solvents and oxidants. They are not susceptible to corrosion and damage from chemicals, maintaining stable performance and sealing effect.

Oil resistance: EPDM rubber seals have good resistance to many oils and petroleum products, and can effectively seal in lubricating oil, fuel and other environments.

Processing performance

Plasticity: EPDM rubber seals have good plasticity and can be prepared into seals of various shapes and sizes through extrusion, injection molding, calendering and other processing processes to meet different application needs.

Thermoplasticity: EPDM rubber seals have certain thermoplasticity and can be thermoformed and heat treated within a certain temperature range to obtain specific shapes and properties.

To sum up, EPDM rubber seals have excellent mechanical, physical, chemical and processing properties. They have high strength, wear resistance, excellent elasticity and recovery properties, strong weather resistance, good chemical resistance, and can provide reliable sealing effects in a variety of environments.

The following are some common physical property parameter data of EPDM rubber seals. These data can be adjusted or customized by Linde polymer according to the specific manufacturer and product.


Densidad: The density of EPDM rubber seals is usually between 1.2 and 1.6 g/cm3, and the specific value will vary depending on the material formulation and manufacturing process.

Dureza: The hardness of EPDM rubber seals is typically evaluated using Shore A or Shore D international standards. Common hardness ranges are 40 to 90 Shore A, depending on application requirements.

Resistencia a la tracción: The tensile strength of EPDM rubber seals is usually between 5 and 20 megapascals (MPa), and the specific value will vary based on product design and application requirements.

Alargamiento: The elongation of EPDM rubber seals usually ranges from 100% to 500%, indicating the percentage that they can stretch before breaking.

Resistencia a la temperatura: EPDM rubber seals are generally able to maintain good elasticity and performance in the temperature range of -50°C to +150°C.

Resistencia química: EPDM rubber seals have good resistance to many acids, alkalis, solvents and oxidants, but specific chemical resistance will be affected by the specific chemical substance, concentration and temperature.


It should be noted that the physical parameters of EPDM rubber seals can vary according to different manufacturers, products and application requirements.

General media that EPDM rubber seals are not resistant to

Petroleum Products: EPDM rubber seals may swell or become damaged when in contact with certain petroleum products, especially those at high temperatures and concentrations.


Some solvents: Certain organic solvents, such as hydrocarbons, ketones, and alcohol solvents, may cause damage or dissolve EPDM rubber seals.


High concentrations of acids and alkalis: EPDM rubber seals may not have sufficient resistance to some higher concentrations of acids and alkalis, so use in these media may cause corrosion or damage.


Certain solutions and gases: Some special solutions and gases, such as chlorine, ozone, cyanide and ammonia, may cause damage to EPDM rubber seals or reduce their performance.

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