Compuestos de caucho profesionales y soporte para juntas de caucho - Logotipo Linde

Juntas de goma NBR

NBR rubber seal

NBR rubber seal is a seal made of NBR (nitrile butadiene rubber) material. NBR is a synthetic rubber with good oil resistance, abrasion resistance and heat resistance. It is also widely used in the field of seal manufacturing.


NBR rubber seals are commonly used in industrial equipment, automobiles, machinery and hydraulic systems to prevent the leakage of liquids, gases and dust. Its main function is to form a seal between two or more components to ensure the normal operation of the system and prevent unnecessary leakage and losses.

NBR Related Rubber Seals Products

Junta de la cubierta superior de la cadena de distribución

Junta de la cubierta superior de la cadena de distribución

The upper timing chain cover gasket is a crucial component in engines, acting as a seal between the engine’s upper timing chain cover and engine body to prevent lubricant leaks. Its flexible rubber construction guarantees accurate installation and effective sealing. It is necessary to keep the engine oil system’s optimal lubrication and engine efficiency. The gasket possesses certifications from REACH, ASTM D2000, SAE J200, ISO/TS 16949, and ISO 9001. Maintaining sealing, preventing chain loosening, reducing noise and vibration, and improving engine performance are its key goals. Because the gasket is composed of rubber and components that are resistant to oil, it will continue to seal even in the smallest engine part flaws.

junta de caucho nitrílico

Junta de caucho nitrílico

La junta de caucho nitrílico puede sumergirse en aceite durante mucho tiempo sin hincharse ni deformarse. Y aún puede mantener su elasticidad original y su rendimiento de sellado a altas temperaturas de unos 120°C. También tiene una buena resistencia a la corrosión frente a productos químicos como ácidos, álcalis y sales.

NBR Pistón Clavadora Bumpe

Parachoques de pistón de clavadora con bastidor de NBR

El parachoques de pistón de clavadora de bastidor NBR es un componente de caucho utilizado en clavadoras de bastidor para proporcionar amortiguación y absorción de impactos durante el proceso de clavado. Está hecho de material suave, resistente al desgaste y está certificado bajo varias normas, incluyendo ROHS, REACH, ISO 9001, ASTM y ANSI. Su función principal es absorber y distribuir la energía del impacto, proteger las piezas de la pistola de clavos y mejorar la seguridad. Es adecuado para diversos materiales y puede reducir la fatiga del operario y aumentar la productividad.

Junta de tubo de bujía

Junta del tubo de la bujía

Las juntas para tubos de bujías son componentes de estanqueidad esenciales en los motores, ya que dirigen la bujía hacia la cámara de combustión y garantizan su estanqueidad frente a la presión. Están fabricadas con materiales flexibles, como silicona o caucho, y evitan que se escapen la presión y los productos de la combustión. También mantienen el entorno de funcionamiento típico de la bujía, impidiendo la entrada de contaminantes e impurezas. Una junta desgastada o vieja puede afectar negativamente al rendimiento del motor, provocando fallos de encendido, una concentración desigual de la mezcla y una menor eficiencia del combustible. Las juntas son resistentes a las altas temperaturas, a los productos químicos y al desgaste. Las normas de certificación incluyen ISO 9001, ASTM D2000, SAE J200, AMS-Rubber y los requisitos de los fabricantes de equipos originales. Estas normas ayudan a garantizar la calidad de las juntas y su rendimiento en diversas industrias. Las revisiones y sustituciones periódicas son cruciales para mantener el correcto funcionamiento del motor.


NBR 40 automobile engine J-TYPE oil seal

NBR 40 automobile engine J-TYPE oil seal

Nitrile rubber (NBR 40) is a common material used in the production of J-type oil seals in automotive engines. It has excellent oil and wear resistance and maintains its elasticity and sealing properties despite being affected by lubricants and chemicals. NBR 40 provides reliable sealing performance to prevent lubricating oil leakage and protect the normal operation of the engine. Its wear resistance and chemical resistance make it suitable for use in high temperature and pressure environments.

NBR automotive front axle bearing seals

nitrile rubber automotive front axle bearing seals


Application:Auto accessories

Name:Rubber seals

NBR automotive front axle bearing seals are crucial for smooth operation of the vehicle’s front axle. They act as a protective barrier, preventing contaminants like dust, water, and debris from entering the axle assembly. These seals prevent premature wear and damage, ensuring overall performance and safety. Made from high-quality nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), these seals are designed to withstand extreme temperatures, pressure differentials, and road conditions. NBR is commonly used in the automotive industry for oil lines, seals, and grommets, ensuring optimal performance and long-lasting reliability.

Junta tórica de caucho NBR

Nuestras juntas tóricas de caucho NBR se utilizan ampliamente en diversos sectores. Se utilizan con frecuencia en sistemas hidráulicos, bombas, válvulas y diferentes componentes mecánicos. También se utilizan a menudo en aplicaciones de sellado para maquinaria industrial, piezas de aviación y motores de automóviles.

Sello de aceite para motores hidráulicos

Retén del eje de la bomba hidráulica

Los retenes de aceite para ejes de bombas hidráulicas son retenes de caucho que se utilizan para proteger el eje de la bomba hidráulica de elementos externos, evitando fugas de aceite y manteniendo la eficacia de la bomba. Estos retenes están diseñados para soportar diversas condiciones de trabajo, como temperatura, presión, velocidad, tipo de fluido y factores ambientales. La elección de los materiales de los retenes depende de las características del aceite hidráulico utilizado, la temperatura de funcionamiento, la presión y la resistencia química. Los materiales de caucho resistentes al aceite tienen buenas propiedades anticorrosión, lo que garantiza la funcionalidad y longevidad del retén. Pueden adaptarse a diversas condiciones de trabajo, como la presión, la temperatura y los ajustes de velocidad, para garantizar la fiabilidad y la longevidad de la bomba. La capacidad de sellado del retén de aceite es crucial para su eficacia y longevidad. El material de caucho resistente al aceite utilizado en estos retenes tiene buenas propiedades anticorrosión, lo que garantiza la longevidad y durabilidad del retén.

Anillos de refuerzo NBR 90

Anillo de refuerzo NBR 90

NBR 90 Back-Up Ring is made of NBR rubber material, which has good sealing performance and durability and is suitable for some common industrial applications. The function of the back pressure ring is to increase the pressure on the sealing element, prevent fluid from leaking from the sealing gap, and provide additional support and stability. It is usually installed behind the O-ring or other sealing element to supplement sealing or support.

Advantages and limitations

Good oil resistance: NBR rubber seals can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to liquids such as petroleum, fuel and lubricants.

Wear resistance: NBR rubber seals have good wear resistance and can be used for a long time in high friction and high pressure environments.

Heat resistance: NBR rubber seals can maintain their elasticity and sealing properties within a certain temperature range.


Good physical properties: NBR rubber seals have high tensile strength and tear strength, as well as good aging resistance.


NBR rubber seals also have some limitations. For example, its performance may degrade in high-temperature environments, so operating conditions and requirements need to be considered when selecting a seal.

Overall, NBR rubber seals are a common and widely used seal type that are used in multiple industrial and mechanical fields to provide reliable sealing and protection.


Industria del automóvil

NBR rubber seals are widely used in automobile manufacturing and repair fields. They are used to seal components such as engine systems, transmission systems, braking systems and hydraulic systems to prevent the leakage of liquids and gases.

Machinery manufacturing

In the machinery manufacturing industry, NBR rubber seals are used for the sealing requirements of various equipment and machinery. This includes hydraulic machinery, pneumatic equipment, pumps, valves and piping systems, etc.

Industria química

Because NBR rubber has good oil resistance and corrosion resistance, it is widely used in the chemical industry. NBR rubber seals can be used to seal equipment such as chemical reactors, pipelines, storage tanks and pumps to ensure that chemicals do not leak.

Food and pharmaceutical industry

In the food and pharmaceutical industry, NBR rubber seals are used to seal containers, pipes and equipment to ensure product hygiene and quality requirements. These seals typically meet food grade and pharmaceutical grade standards.

Energy and Petroleum Industry

NBR rubber seals play an important role in the energy and petroleum industry. They are used to seal equipment such as oil and gas pipelines, valves, wells and tanks to prevent leaks of energy and petroleum products.

Electronics and Electrical Industry

In electronic and electrical equipment manufacturing, NBR rubber seals are used to seal wires, cables, and connectors to provide waterproofing and insulating properties.

Common physical parameters

Density: 1.0 – 1.2 g/cm³

Density refers to the mass per unit volume, usually expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).


Hardness: 50 – 90 Shore A

Hardness is used to describe the hardness of a material, and a common measurement standard is Shore A hardness.


Tensile strength: 7 – 25 MPa

Tensile strength refers to the maximum tensile force that a material can withstand in a tensile test, usually measured in megapascals (MPa).


Compression deformation: 10% – 40%

Compression deformation refers to the degree of compression deformation of the seal under a certain pressure, expressed as a percentage.


Temperature range: -30°C to +120°C

The temperature resistance range of NBR rubber seals is usually between -30°C and +120°C, and exceeding this temperature range may affect its performance.


Oil resistance: good

NBR rubber seals have good oil resistance and can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to liquids such as petroleum, lubricants and fuels.


Introduction to mechanical, physical, chemical and process properties

Comportamiento mecánico

Tensile strength: NBR rubber seals have good tensile strength and can withstand a certain amount of tensile force without breaking easily.

Compression deformation: NBR rubber seals can undergo a certain degree of compression deformation when subjected to pressure to provide an effective sealing effect.

Wear resistance: NBR rubber seals have good wear resistance and can be used in high friction environments for a long time without being easily worn.

Propiedades físicas

Density: The density of NBR rubber seals is relatively stable, usually between 1.0 and 1.2 grams/cubic centimeter.

Elastic modulus: NBR rubber seals have a moderate elastic modulus and can provide certain elastic recovery performance.

Hardness: The hardness of NBR rubber seals can usually be expressed by Shore A hardness, with common hardness ranging from 50 to 90 Shore A.

Chemical properties

Oil resistance: NBR rubber seals have good oil resistance and can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to liquids such as petroleum, lubricants and fuels.

Solvent resistance: NBR rubber seals have good resistance to many general solvents, but have poor resistance to polar solvents and strong acid and alkali solutions.

Processing performance

Formability: NBR rubber seals have good formability and can be manufactured into seals of different shapes and sizes through extrusion, compression molding, injection molding and other methods.

Compression deformation recovery: NBR rubber seals have good compression deformation recovery, that is, they can quickly return to their original shape after being stressed.

It should be noted that the performance of NBR rubber seals will be affected by temperature, pressure, medium and use environment. When selecting and applying NBR rubber seals, actual working conditions and requirements need to be considered to ensure their performance and reliability.

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