Compuestos de caucho profesionales y soporte para juntas de caucho - Logotipo Linde

Juntas de goma VITON

VITON rubber seal

VITON rubber seal is a high-performance sealing element widely used in industrial fields. VITON is a special fluoroelastomer material with excellent resistance to oil, high temperature, chemicals and wear, so it is often used in applications requiring high sealing and durability.

  • Material characteristics: VITON rubber seals are made of fluorine rubber material, which has excellent oil resistance and can maintain stability in harsh environments such as oil, solvents and chemicals. At the same time, it also has excellent high temperature resistance and can maintain its elasticity and sealing properties in high temperature environments.
  • Sealing performance: VITON rubber seals have excellent sealing performance and can effectively prevent liquid or gas leakage. It can adapt to high pressure, high temperature and chemical corrosion requirements under various working conditions to ensure the normal operation of the system.
  • Wear resistance: VITON rubber seals have good wear resistance and can resist wear caused by mechanical movement and friction, extending the service life of the seal.
  • Safety and environmental protection: VITON rubber seals comply with relevant safety and environmental standards, do not produce harmful substances, and are harmless to the human body and the environment.

VITON Related Rubber Seals Products

junta de goma viton 1

Junta de goma Viton

Viton Rubber Gasket is a commonly used, high-performance sealing material with excellent heat, chemical and oil resistance.

Viton Oil Seals

Viton Oil Seal

Viton oil seal is a high-performance seal made of fluorine rubber material. Fluorine rubber is an elastomer with excellent high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, oil resistance, corrosion resistance and atmospheric aging resistance. It has the best media resistance among all elastomers currently.

juntas de goma viton a medida

Juntas de Viton a medida

En el ámbito industrial moderno, no se puede ignorar el papel de las juntas de estanqueidad. Para satisfacer necesidades específicas, las juntas de vitón a medida se han convertido en la elección de muchas empresas. Entre ellas, las juntas de caucho fluorado se utilizan ampliamente en muchos campos debido a su excelente resistencia a altas temperaturas, resistencia a la corrosión y resistencia al desgaste.

retén de viton

Juntas labiales de Viton

Product name : Viton lip seals

Material del producto : Caucho/ Silicona/ Custon

Dureza (Shore A) : 20 a 90

Temperatura aplicable °C : -60 a 300

Certificación : IOS: 9001, ISO: 14001, IATF: 16949

juntas de caucho fluorado viton aeroespacial

juntas de viton

Las juntas aeroespaciales de Viton fluoroelastómero ofrecen numerosas ventajas para aumentar el rendimiento, prolongar la vida útil y garantizar una excelencia operativa inigualable. Estas soluciones de estanquidad esenciales, diseñadas para proteger los componentes críticos de los agentes corrosivos, garantizan la resistencia a la corrosión y permiten la compatibilidad química, asegurando un funcionamiento sin problemas en condiciones extremas. Estas juntas ofrecen ventajas como resistencia a la corrosión, durabilidad excepcional, funcionamiento silencioso, mayor vida útil y resistencia a altas temperaturas, lo que las convierte en un componente vital en la ingeniería aeroespacial. Al aprovechar estas ventajas, los sistemas aeroespaciales pueden lograr precisión, resistencia y excelencia operativa en el dinámico panorama de la ingeniería aeroespacial.

retenes viton

Junta de eje de Viton

La junta para eje de Viton es una junta especial que utiliza caucho fluorado como material principal y tiene una excelente resistencia a la corrosión, resistencia a altas temperaturas y resistencia al desgaste, por lo que se ha utilizado ampliamente en diversos campos.

Juntas tóricas de Viton

Juntas tóricas de Viton

Las juntas tóricas de Viton son una solución innovadora para aplicaciones de lanzaderas de misiles, ya que ofrecen capacidades excepcionales como resistencia a la temperatura, resistencia química y a los ácidos, resistencia al envejecimiento, control de la permeabilidad al aire, compatibilidad de fluidos, personalización y rendimiento fiable en una amplia gama de temperaturas. Estas juntas están diseñadas para mantener los diferenciales de presión en los componentes de los misiles, garantizando un rendimiento constante. Linde, líder mundial en juntas y retenes de goma, apuesta por la precisión y la resistencia en aplicaciones de lanzamisiles, ofreciendo el máximo rendimiento y cumpliendo los requisitos de los sistemas de misiles. Con un compromiso de control de calidad y servicio posventa, Linde es su socio leal para el éxito de los trabajos de estanquidad de su proyecto de misiles en aplicaciones de lanzamisiles.

Anillo X de goma Viton

Anillos X de Viton

Los anillos en X de Viton son un material de estanquidad de alto rendimiento fabricado a partir de caucho fluorado y suelen tener una sección transversal en forma de X. Los anillos en forma de X tienen una excelente resistencia a las altas temperaturas, a la corrosión, al aceite y a los productos químicos, y pueden utilizarse en entornos hostiles como alta temperatura, alta presión y alta velocidad.

Junta de Viton

El anillo de sellado de Viton se puede utilizar en medios ácidos inorgánicos y se puede utilizar durante mucho tiempo en ácido sulfúrico a 140 grados y ácido clorhídrico a 90 grados y ácido nítrico a 90 grados. Las juntas de Viton tienen un amplio rango de temperaturas y una excelente resistencia a la corrosión del aceite mineral HTS y se utilizan habitualmente en aplicaciones aeroespaciales.


Propiedades físicas

Density: The density of VITON rubber seals is usually between 1.8 - 2.0 g/cm³, which has a higher density and is conducive to providing better sealing performance.

Hardness: VITON rubber seals typically have a hardness range between 70 - 90 Shore A, which can be adjusted to the needs of the specific application.

Elastic modulus: VITON rubber seals have high elastic modulus and good elastic recovery properties, and can quickly return to their original shape after the stress disappears.

Chemical properties

Oil resistance: VITON rubber seals have excellent oil resistance and can maintain stability in various lubricating oil, fuel and chemical environments.

Chemical resistance: VITON rubber seals have good corrosion resistance to a variety of chemicals, including acids, alkalis, solvents, etc., and can maintain stable performance in chemically corrosive environments.

Comportamiento mecánico

Tensile strength: VITON rubber seals have high tensile strength and can withstand large tensile forces without being easily deformed or broken.

Compression deformation resistance: VITON rubber seals have a low compression deformation rate and can maintain good elastic recovery performance when subjected to pressure.

Processing performance

Moldability: VITON rubber seals have good molding properties and are suitable for manufacturing through various processing methods such as compression molding and injection molding.

Machinability: VITON rubber seals are easy to chip, drill and cut, allowing for custom processing and adaptability to various shapes.

Overall, VITON rubber seals have wide applicability in many applications due to their excellent physical, chemical, mechanical and processing properties. These properties enable VITON rubber seals to provide reliable sealing performance and maintain stable performance in various harsh working environments.


  1. Automobile industry: VITON rubber seals play an important role in the automobile industry. They are often used for sealing in engine systems, such as valve oil seals and friction plate seals, to ensure the normal operation of the engine. In addition, they are also used in the sealing of transmission systems, fuel systems, cooling systems, etc.
  2. Chemical industry: In the chemical industry, VITON rubber seals are widely used in sealing pipes, pumps, valves and other equipment. They can withstand the erosion of various chemicals, maintain good sealing performance, and ensure the safe operation of chemical systems.
  3. Oil and Gas Industry: VITON rubber seals are widely used in the oil and gas industry. They are often used to seal oil wells, pipelines, valves and other equipment, and can withstand high temperatures and chemical corrosion to ensure the safe operation of oil and gas systems.
  4. Aerospace industry: VITON rubber seals are also very important in the aerospace field. They are used to seal aircraft engines, fuel systems, hydraulic systems and other parts, and can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures to ensure the safe and reliable operation of aircraft.
  5. Food and Pharmaceutical Industry: Due to their oil and chemical resistance, VITON rubber seals are also widely used in the food processing and pharmaceutical industries. They are often used for sealing food processing equipment, pharmaceutical production equipment, etc. to ensure product safety and hygiene.

In addition to the above fields, VITON rubber seals can also find applications in electric power, semiconductor, shipbuilding, military and other industries. In general, VITON rubber seals play an important role in multiple industrial fields due to their excellent performance, protecting the normal operation of equipment and improving production efficiency and safety.

General index range of physical property parameters

  • Density: The density of VITON rubber seals is usually between 1.8 – 2.0 g/cm³
  • Hardness: The hardness range is typically between 70 – 90 Shore A.
  • Tensile Strength: The tensile strength of VITON rubber seals is typically between 10 – 20 MPa (Megapascals), which represents the maximum force the material can withstand under tensile loading.
  • Elongation: The elongation of VITON rubber seals typically ranges from 100 – 300%, which represents the percentage by which the material is able to stretch under tensile loading.
  • Compression set index: The compression set index of VITON rubber seals is usually between 10 – 30%, which indicates the degree of deformation of the material when it is subjected to pressure.
  • Temperature resistance: VITON rubber seals have excellent high temperature resistance and can withstand temperatures up to over 200°C, or even higher.
  • Chemical resistance: VITON rubber seals have good corrosion resistance to a variety of chemicals, including acids, alkalis, solvents, etc.

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