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Guarnizioni in gomma FFKM

FFKM Rubber Seal

FFKM (perfluoroelastomer) is a high-performance specialty rubber material, also known as fluoroelastomer. Compared with FKM rubber, FFKM rubber seals have higher temperature resistance, chemical resistance and corrosion resistance.

FFKM Related Rubber Seals Products

Anelli di tenuta per condizionatori d'aria per autoveicoli FFKM

Anelli di tenuta per condizionatori d'aria per autoveicoli FFKM

Product name : FFKM automotive air conditioner sealing rings

Materiale del prodotto: Gomma FFKM/Silicone /Custom

Durezza (Shore A): da 20 a 90

Temperatura applicabile °C: da -50 a 140

Certificazione: ISO: 9001, ISO: 14001, IATF: 16949

Perfluoroelastomer ffkm o rings

O-Ring FFKM di altissima purezza e a basso degassamento

Ultra high purity low outgassing FFKM O-rings are designed for low corrosion and ultra-low particle technology in harsh plasma environments. It gives you excellent thermal safety, very low outgassing, excellent elastic recovery and good mechanical strength properties, making it ideal for static and dynamic sealing purposes.

Automotive Electric Motor FFKM Sealing rings

Motore elettrico automobilistico Anello di tenuta FFKM

With the popularity of electric vehicles, the performance and reliability of automotive electric motors are attracting more and more attention. As one of the key components of an electric motor, the performance of the sealing ring directly affects the performance and life of the entire system. This article will introduce the structure, function and application of automotive electric motor FFKM sealing rings in detail.

O-Ring in gomma FFKM per semiconduttore

O-ring FFKM

Gli O-ring in FFKM sono una delle scelte principali per la produzione di semiconduttori, grazie alla loro eccezionale compatibilità chimica e alle elevate prestazioni di tenuta. Questi o-ring sono progettati per resistere ai rigori del recupero di petrolio e gas, alle applicazioni di tenuta sotto vuoto e a un'ampia gamma di sostanze chimiche aggressive. Il materiale di base, il perfluoroelastomero FFKM, ha un'eccellente stabilità termica e resistenza chimica, che li rende ideali per applicazioni critiche nei settori dei semiconduttori, farmaceutico, chimico, petrolifero e altri. Gli O-ring in FFKM offrono un equilibrio unico tra flessibilità e fragilità, che consente loro di resistere a temperature comprese tra -39 e 288 gradi Celsius. Inoltre, dimostrano un'eccellente resistenza agli acidi, agli alcali e ai detergenti a base di ammoniaca, rendendoli ideali per processi come la sigillatura dei filtri e le vasche di decapaggio. Gli O-ring FFKM contribuiscono allo sviluppo sostenibile riducendo la frequenza di sostituzione e manutenzione delle guarnizioni, in particolare nei settori che utilizzano prodotti chimici aggressivi e operazioni ad alta temperatura. Grazie alla ricerca e allo sviluppo, gli O-ring FFKM continuano a evolversi, migliorando la stabilità termica, la resistenza chimica, la compatibilità con le sostanze chimiche e i processi emergenti e garantendo i più elevati standard di qualità e affidabilità nella produzione di semiconduttori.

Transmission Filter FFKM Sealing Rings

Anelli di tenuta del filtro della trasmissione automatica FFKM

Auto Transmission Filter FFKM Sealing Rings are a special material sealing ring, mainly used in automatic transmission filter components to ensure good sealing performance. Typically made from fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer, these seals are able to withstand extreme temperature and chemical environments while providing excellent oil resistance and durability.

Guarnizioni FFKM

FFKM seals play a crucial role in the battery industry, ensuring the integrity of vital processes and resistance to aggressive chemicals. These seals are effective in blocking harmful effects of acids, alkalis, and ammonia cleaners, ensuring efficiency and safety during rapid gas decompression. FFKM seals are pioneers in sustainable development, driving technological advancement through research and a collaborative approach to custom solutions. They also contribute to raising safety standards by minimizing leak risks and preventing hazardous situations. As the battery industry enters unprecedented growth, FFKM seals are a cornerstone of success, ensuring safe containment of harsh chemicals, withstanding rapid gas decompression, and coordinated sealing performance that exceeds industry expectations.


Guarnizioni statiche Guarnizioni per giunti in FFKM

Nome: Guarnizioni statiche Guarnizioni di giunzione FFKM

Durezza shore A:75

Il materiale FFKM è un tipo speciale di fluoroelastomero noto per la sua resistenza chimica e alle alte temperature, che lo rende ideale per le applicazioni che richiedono un'elevata resistenza chimica e alle alte temperature. Queste guarnizioni sono utilizzate nei settori chimico, petrolifero, farmaceutico, dei semiconduttori e in altri campi per garantire prestazioni di tenuta affidabili e prevenire perdite di fluidi. I materiali FFKM mantengono un'eccellente elasticità e proprietà di tenuta a temperature estreme, anche fino a oltre 300°C. Hanno inoltre una bassa permeabilità, che impedisce la penetrazione dei fluidi e garantisce l'affidabilità della tenuta. Le guarnizioni per giunti in FFKM hanno una lunga durata grazie alla loro eccellente resistenza chimica e stabilità termica. Sono ampiamente utilizzate nell'industria chimica, petrolifera e del gas, farmaceutica e dei semiconduttori per garantire una tenuta affidabile e prevenire la contaminazione in ambienti ad alta purezza.

O-ring FFKM per auto

O-ring FFKM per auto

FFKM O-ring for car, made from perfluoroelastomer FFKM materials, revolutionize the automotive industry by offering chemical compatibility, thermal stability, and high performance. These versatile seals are ideal for various applications, including oil and gas recovery, vacuum sealing, and FDA compliance. Their superior chemical resistance and durability make them ideal for long-term stable performance, reduced maintenance frequency, and improved overall efficiency. FFKM O-rings represent a paradigm shift in sealing technology, ensuring durability, safety, and environmental responsibility in the automotive industry.


Filtri olio Guarnizioni FFKM (perfluoroelastomero)

Filtri olio Guarnizioni FFKM (perfluoroelastomero)

FFKM seals are a high-performance sealing material used in oil filters, a crucial component in the lubrication system of automobiles. These seals are highly resistant to various chemicals, high temperatures, and corrosion. They are particularly useful in applications requiring high-temperature sealing, such as automotive engines, petrochemicals, and aerospace. FFKM seals also offer excellent sealing performance, with low permeability and low permeability. They have high mechanical properties, ensuring high-pressure sealing and wear resistance. Moreover, FFKM seals have a long life and reliability, ensuring they can continue working in harsh environments without damage.


  • Temperature resistance: FFKM rubber seals can maintain their physical properties and sealing performance in extreme high temperature environments, usually with a temperature range of -20°C to +320°C or even higher.
  • Chemical resistance: FFKM rubber seals have excellent chemical resistance and can resist the erosion of a variety of organic and inorganic solvents, acids, alkalis and corrosive gases, and are suitable for various complex chemical environments.
  • Corrosion resistance: FFKM rubber seals can work stably for a long time in acidic, alkaline and corrosive media, and are very suitable for applications requiring a high degree of corrosion resistance.
  • Sealing: FFKM rubber seals have excellent sealing performance and can effectively prevent the leakage of liquid, gas and steam, ensuring the safety and reliability of the system.
  • Mechanical properties: FFKM rubber seals have excellent strength, wear resistance and resilience, and can withstand stress and wear under high pressure and high friction conditions.


Due to its excellent performance, FFKM rubber seals are widely used in the following fields

Industria del petrolio e del gas

FFKM rubber seals have excellent temperature and corrosion resistance and are widely used in key parts such as wellhead seals, valves and pipeline connections in the oil and gas industry. They can withstand high temperatures, high pressures and corrosive media, ensuring the reliability and safety of oil and gas equipment.

Aerospace Industry

Due to its excellent temperature and chemical resistance, FFKM rubber is widely used in the aerospace industry. FFKM seals are used in aircraft engines, hydraulic systems, fuel systems and spacecraft to meet sealing requirements in extreme temperatures and harsh environments.

Pharmaceutical and food industry

Due to its excellent chemical resistance and low dissolution properties, FFKM rubber is widely used in seals and contact materials in the pharmaceutical and food industry. For example, FFKM seals are used in pharmaceutical equipment, food processing equipment and liquid delivery systems to meet high purity and hygiene requirements.

Industria chimica

Used for sealing equipment such as chemical reactors, pumps, pipes and valves to resist erosion by organic chemicals, acids, alkalis and solvents. Chemical industry: FFKM rubber is widely used in seals, gaskets, O-rings and other products in the chemical industry to withstand sealing requirements of organic solvents, acids, alkalis and corrosive media. For example, FFKM seals are used in equipment such as chemical reactors, pipes, valves and pumps to ensure the safety and reliability of the system.

Semiconductor and electronics industry

FFKM rubber plays an important role in the semiconductor and electronics industry. They are used to create seals and O-rings in high temperature, high vacuum and chemical environments to protect sensitive equipment and materials. FFKM rubber seals are widely used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, vacuum systems, and photolithography machines.

Physical performance parameters

The physical parameters of FFKM (perfluoroelastomer) rubber seals may vary depending on the specific product model and manufacturer. The following are some common physical property parameters summarized as follows:

  • Density: The density of FFKM seals typically ranges from 1.85 to 2.00 g/cm3.
  • Hardness: The hardness of FFKM seals is usually expressed as Shore A or Shore D hardness, and the specific value varies according to product type and requirements. Common hardness ranges are 70 to 90 Shore A or 70 to 95 Shore D.
  • Tensile Strength: The tensile strength of FFKM seals typically ranges from 10 to 25 megapascals (MPa).
  • Elongation: The elongation of FFKM seals typically ranges from 100% to 300%, which indicates how much the seal can stretch when stretched.
  • Compression deformation: The compression deformation of FFKM seals is usually expressed as a percentage, indicating the degree of compression deformation that the seal can undergo under a certain pressure.
  • Ambient temperature range: FFKM seals are capable of operating in extreme temperature environments, with a general temperature range of -20°C to +320°C or higher.
  • Sealing performance: FFKM seals have excellent sealing performance and can effectively prevent the leakage of liquid, gas and steam. Its low gas permeability and low leakage rate are one of its important features.

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