Assistenza professionale per la mescola della gomma e per le guarnizioni di gomma - Logo Linde

Guarnizioni in gomma FKM

FKM rubber seal

FKM rubber seal is a common sealing material, also known as fluorine rubber seal or fluorine rubber O-ring. FKM is the abbreviation of Fluoroelastomer. It is a high-performance synthetic rubber material with excellent oil resistance, solvent resistance, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.

FKM Related Rubber Seals Products

Engine Oil Filter Cover FKM O Ring

Coperchio del filtro dell'olio motore O-Ring in FKM

Engine Oil Filter Cover FKM O-Ring is a sealing ring for engine oil filter cover. It is made of oil-resistant and heat-resistant fluororubber material and is used to ensure the seal between the filter cover and the engine,and prevent oil leakage.Since the engine generates high temperatures and pressures when running, seals need to be made of materials that are resistant to high temperatures and pressures. FKM O-rings have become a common choice in engine applications due to their excellent oil resistance and high temperature resistance.

FKM Hydraulic Oil Seal

Guarnizioni per olio idraulico FKM

FKM hydraulic oil seals usually adopt a lip seal structure, which includes one or more sealing lips for contact with components such as the piston, valve stem or rotating shaft to form a seal. These sealing lips can be designed in different shapes and sizes depending on the requirements of the specific application. FKM oil seals are widely used in various hydraulic equipment and systems, including hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic valves, etc. They are widely used in industries such as engineering, manufacturing, metallurgy, mining, machinery and equipment.

Guarnizione del tubo di aspirazione della pompa dell'olio

Guarnizione del tubo di aspirazione della pompa dell'olio

La guarnizione del tubo di aspirazione della pompa dell'olio è un componente di tenuta tra il tubo di aspirazione della pompa dell'olio e il corpo della pompa dell'olio, che garantisce il normale funzionamento e impedisce la fuoriuscita di liquidi o gas. La sua struttura in gomma FKM è caratterizzata da una forte resistenza agli oli e alle sostanze chimiche, che le consente di operare in una varietà di ambienti, tra cui lubrificanti, carburanti e sostanze chimiche. Per garantire una tenuta perfetta, la guarnizione è realizzata in modo da adattarsi perfettamente al tubo di aspirazione e al corpo della pompa dell'olio. La sua affidabilità nel sistema della pompa dell'olio è garantita dalla sua capacità di resistere alle vibrazioni e all'attrito. A causa di elementi quali la durata del materiale, la temperatura di esercizio e le circostanze di utilizzo, le guarnizioni devono essere ispezionate e sostituite regolarmente.

Guarnizioni per pompe marine

Le guarnizioni per pompe marine hanno una buona resistenza alle vibrazioni e non sono sensibili alle vibrazioni dell'albero rotante e alla deviazione dell'albero verso la camera di tenuta. E una vasta gamma di applicazioni, lunga durata, le guarnizioni possono essere utilizzate per alta temperatura, bassa temperatura, alta pressione, vuoto, diverse frequenze di rotazione, così come una varietà di mezzi corrosivi e contenenti guarnizione media abrasivi.

guarnizioni FKM della pompa

Guarnizioni in gomma della pompa turbo del motore a razzo

Guarnizioni in gomma della pompa turbo del motore a razzo

Rocket engine turbopump rubber seals are crucial components for ensuring the normal operation and sealing performance of the turbopump. They close the gap between the rotating shaft and the external environment, preventing liquid or gas leakage. These seals are made of special rubber materials with high temperature resistance, chemical stability, and corrosion resistance. The design of these seals considers sealing performance, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, chemical stability, and dimensions and geometric fit. The quality of these seals is critical to the reliability and safety of the rocket, and strict quality control and testing procedures are often adopted during the design and manufacturing process.

Paraolio per pompe idrauliche in FKM

Paraolio pompa idraulica FKM

Il paraolio per pompe idrauliche FKM è realizzato in gomma al fluoro ad alte prestazioni, nota per la sua eccellente resistenza agli agenti chimici, agli oli e alle alte temperature. La sua funzione principale è quella di prevenire le perdite di olio idraulico nelle pompe idrauliche, garantendo l'affidabilità del sistema e il normale funzionamento. I materiali FKM mantengono la loro elasticità e le loro proprietà di tenuta anche in ambienti ad alta temperatura. La gomma FKM è spesso utilizzata nelle apparecchiature industriali e meccaniche, compresi i sistemi idraulici, i macchinari per l'ingegneria, l'industria automobilistica e aerospaziale. Questo tipo di gomma è chimicamente compatibile con vari oli, mantenendo le sue caratteristiche fisiche e le sue capacità di tenuta a contatto con l'olio. Inoltre, soddisfa diversi requisiti normativi e certificazioni, come quelli della FDA, RoHS e REACH. I vantaggi di questo prodotto sono l'eccezionale resistenza agli oli, la stabilità alle alte temperature, l'eccellente resistenza chimica e le prestazioni di tenuta di lunga durata.

Cella a combustibile a idrogeno Cuscinetto di tenuta DKM

Guarnizioni in gomma FKM per celle a combustibile

Guarnizioni in gomma FKM per celle a combustibile

L'FKM (gomma fluorocarbonica) è uno dei materiali di tenuta in gomma comunemente utilizzati nelle celle a combustibile. L'FKM ha un'eccellente resistenza alle alte temperature, alla corrosione chimica e alla pressione, che lo rende molto adatto all'uso nei sistemi di celle a combustibile.

Fluoro Rubber O-Ring

Fluoro Rubber O-rings, also known as Fluorocarbon O-rings or FKM O-rings, are a type of seal commonly used in a variety of industrial applications. It is made from a synthetic rubber material known as Fluorocarbon Elastomer or FKM, which has excellent chemical resistance and high temperature stability.

FKM rubber seals wind turbine

Apparecchiature per ventilatori Guarnizioni in gomma FKM

Apparecchiature per ventilatori Guarnizioni in gomma FKM

Rubber seals are important components in wind turbine equipment, especially wind turbines. They are used in a variety of parts and accessories such as fan shaft seals, fan housing seals, fan impeller seals, fan inlet and outlet seals, and fan connection seals. Fan shaft seal rubber sealing ring is a commonly used seal between the fan shaft and the bearing to prevent lubricating oil from leaking and external impurities from entering the bearing part. Rubber seals are also used in wind turbine blades, towers, gearboxes and generators to prevent airflow leakage and contamination. These seals help prevent oil leakage, dust and debris from entering the fan’s bearings, and prevent dust and debris from entering the fan.


FKM rubber seals are commonly used in a variety of industrial and automotive applications, especially where high temperature sealing performance and chemical resistance are required. They maintain good elasticity and sealing properties in high-temperature environments and are resistant to a variety of chemicals, including petroleum products, solvents, acids and alkalis.

FKM rubber seals are widely used in various fields of manufacturing, such as automobile manufacturing, aerospace, chemical industry, oil and gas, etc. Common applications include engine seals, pipe joint seals, valve seals, pump seals, gaskets, etc.

In general, FKM rubber seals are widely used for their excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance and corrosion resistance, and can provide reliable sealing solutions in harsh environments.

Industria automobilistica

FKM rubber seals play an important role in the automobile manufacturing industry. They are commonly used for seals in engine systems such as cylinder head gaskets, valve oil seals, crankshaft seals, etc. FKM rubber seals can withstand high temperatures and chemical attack, ensuring engine sealing and reliability.

Aerospace Industry

Due to their excellent high temperature tolerance and chemical resistance, FKM rubber seals are widely used in the aerospace industry. For example, in aerospace engines, FKM rubber seals can be used to seal key parts such as combustion chambers, gas turbines, and turbojet engines.

Industria chimica

In the chemical production process, there are various corrosive media and high temperature environments. FKM rubber seals are widely used as seals for valves, pipelines, pumps, storage tanks and other equipment. They are effectively resistant to attack by chemicals such as acids, alkalis, organic solvents and petroleum products.

Industria del petrolio e del gas

FKM rubber seals play a key role in the oil and gas sector. They are used in oil well equipment, pipe connections, valves and pump seals. FKM rubber seals can provide reliable sealing performance under high pressure, high temperature and corrosive environment, ensuring the safety and reliability of the oil and gas production and transportation process.

Other application fields

FKM rubber seals are also widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, electronic equipment, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, cosmetics production and other fields. They meet strict hygiene requirements and provide a reliable seal.


Comportamento meccanico

Strength and Wear Resistance: FKM rubber seals have excellent strength and wear resistance and can withstand stress and wear under high pressure and high friction conditions.

Elasticity and resilience: FKM rubber seals have good elasticity and resilience and can quickly return to their original shape after compression, ensuring effective sealing performance.

Stretch resistance: FKM rubber seals have high tensile resistance and can withstand stretching and deformation without breaking or losing sealing properties.


Proprietà fisiche

Temperature resistance: FKM rubber seals can maintain their physical properties and sealing performance in high temperature environments, with common temperature resistance ranging from -20°C to +250°C, or even higher.

Sealing: FKM rubber seals have excellent sealing performance, which can effectively prevent the leakage of liquid and gas, ensuring the safety and reliability of the system.

Low Temperature Flexibility: Although FKM rubber seals perform well at high temperatures, they also have a degree of low temperature flexibility that allows them to maintain elasticity and sealing performance in cold environments.


Proprietà chimiche

Oil resistance: FKM rubber seals can resist the erosion of various petroleum products and lubricants and have excellent oil resistance.

Solvent resistance: FKM rubber seals can withstand the erosion of a variety of organic solvents, including ketones, alcohols, esters, etc.

Corrosion resistance: FKM rubber seals have good corrosion resistance against acids, alkalis and some chemicals, and can work stably in corrosive media for a long time.


Prestazioni di elaborazione

Plasticity: FKM rubber seals have good plasticity and are easy to be plastic molded and processed into seals of various shapes.

Cutability: FKM rubber seals can be processed by cutting, stamping, etc. to adapt to different size and shape requirements.

Adhesion: FKM rubber seals can be bonded to other materials, such as metal, plastic, etc., to achieve more complex sealing structures.

Physical parameters

The physical parameters of FKM rubber seals refer to their specific physical and chemical properties

  • Density: The density of FKM rubber seals usually ranges from 1.8 to 2.0 g/cm3, depending on the composition and formulation of the material.
  • Hardness: The hardness of FKM rubber seals is usually expressed using a hardness measurement standard (such as Shore A hardness), which is generally between 70 and 90, depending on the requirements of the application and the type of seal.
  • Temperature resistance: FKM rubber seals have excellent temperature resistance. In general, FKM rubber seals can be used in temperatures ranging from -20°C to +250°C, depending on the specific material formulation and application requirements.
  • Chemical resistance: FKM rubber seals have excellent chemical resistance and can resist the erosion of a variety of chemical substances. They are oil and solvent resistant and have good corrosion resistance to some acids, alkalis and chemicals.
  • Modulus of elasticity: The elastic modulus of FKM rubber seals usually ranges from 100 to 300 MPa, depending on the composition and hardness of the material.
  • Elongation: The elongation of FKM rubber seals is usually between 100% and 300%, indicating the degree of deformation it can withstand during the stretching process.
  • Tensile strength: The tensile strength of FKM rubber seals is usually between 10 and 20 MPa, indicating the maximum stress that can be withstood during the stretching process.
  • Electrical insulation: FKM rubber seals usually have good electrical insulation properties and can prevent the flow of electric current.


FKM rubber seals usually need to pass a series of test standards to evaluate their performance and quality. Below are some common testing standards:

  • ASTM D1418: This is a universal rubber material classification system that includes various rubber materials, including FKM. It provides methods for naming, classifying and identifying rubber materials.
  • ASTM D2000: This is a general specification for rubber products, used to evaluate the physical properties, temperature resistance, chemical resistance and other characteristics of rubber seals.
  • ASTM D2240: This is the standard test method for measuring the hardness of rubber materials, typically measured using a Shore hardness tester.
  • ASTM D412: This is a standard test method for measuring the tensile strength and elongation of rubber materials. It evaluates the mechanical properties of the material by applying tensile force.
  • ASTM D471: This is a standard test method for evaluating the oil resistance of rubber materials by exposing the material to different types of liquid media and observing changes in its volume and physical properties.
  • ASTM D573: This is a standard test method for evaluating the temperature resistance of rubber materials by exposing the material to high temperatures to observe changes in its physical properties and dimensional stability.
  • ASTM D1149: This is a standard test method for evaluating the aging resistance of rubber materials. It simulates climate aging conditions and observes changes in the physical and chemical properties of the material.

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