Assistenza professionale per la mescola della gomma e per le guarnizioni di gomma - Logo Linde

Guarnizioni in gomma NBR

NBR rubber seal

NBR rubber seal is a seal made of NBR (nitrile butadiene rubber) material. NBR is a synthetic rubber with good oil resistance, abrasion resistance and heat resistance. It is also widely used in the field of seal manufacturing.


NBR rubber seals are commonly used in industrial equipment, automobiles, machinery and hydraulic systems to prevent the leakage of liquids, gases and dust. Its main function is to form a seal between two or more components to ensure the normal operation of the system and prevent unnecessary leakage and losses.

NBR Related Rubber Seals Products

NBR Frame Nailer Piston Bumpe

Paraurti del pistone della chiodatrice NBR

The NBR frame nailer piston bumper is a rubber component used in frame nailers to provide cushioning and shock absorption during the nailing process. It is made of soft, wear-resistant material and is certified under various standards, including ROHS, REACH, ISO 9001, ASTM, and ANSI. Its main function is to absorb and distribute impact energy, protect the nail gun parts, and enhance safety. It is suitable for various materials and can reduce operator fatigue and increase productivity.

Spark Plug Tube Seal

Spark plug tube seal

Spark plug tube seals are essential sealing components in engines, directing the spark plug into the combustion chamber and ensuring it is sealed against pressure. They are made of flexible materials like silicone or rubber and prevent pressure and combustion products from escaping. They also maintain the spark plug’s typical operating environment by keeping pollutants and impurities out. A worn or old seal can negatively impact engine performance, causing misfire, uneven mixture concentration, and reduced fuel efficiency. Seals are made of high temperature resistance, chemical resistance, and wear resistance. Certification standards include ISO 9001, ASTM D2000, SAE J200, AMS-Rubber, and OEM requirements. These standards help ensure the quality of seals and their performance in various industries. Regular check-ups and replacements are crucial for maintaining proper engine operation.


Paraolio NBR 40 per motori di automobili J-TYPE

Paraolio NBR 40 per motori di automobili J-TYPE

Nitrile rubber (NBR 40) is a common material used in the production of J-type oil seals in automotive engines. It has excellent oil and wear resistance and maintains its elasticity and sealing properties despite being affected by lubricants and chemicals. NBR 40 provides reliable sealing performance to prevent lubricating oil leakage and protect the normal operation of the engine. Its wear resistance and chemical resistance make it suitable for use in high temperature and pressure environments.

Guarnizioni per cuscinetti dell'assale anteriore in NBR per autoveicoli

guarnizioni per cuscinetti dell'assale anteriore in gomma nitrilica per autoveicoli

Materiali: NBR

Applicazione: Accessori auto

Nome: Guarnizioni in gomma

Le guarnizioni dei cuscinetti dell'assale anteriore NBR per autoveicoli sono fondamentali per il buon funzionamento dell'assale anteriore del veicolo. Agiscono come una barriera protettiva, impedendo a contaminanti come polvere, acqua e detriti di entrare nel gruppo dell'assale. Queste guarnizioni prevengono l'usura e i danni prematuri, garantendo prestazioni e sicurezza complessive. Realizzate in gomma nitrile butadiene (NBR) di alta qualità, queste guarnizioni sono progettate per resistere a temperature estreme, differenze di pressione e condizioni stradali. L'NBR è comunemente utilizzato nell'industria automobilistica per le tubazioni dell'olio, le guarnizioni e i gommini, garantendo prestazioni ottimali e un'affidabilità duratura.

Anello o in gomma NBR

I nostri O-Ring in gomma NBR sono ampiamente utilizzati in diversi settori. Vengono utilizzati frequentemente nei sistemi idraulici, nelle pompe, nelle valvole e in diversi componenti meccanici. Sono anche spesso utilizzati in applicazioni di tenuta per macchinari industriali, parti dell'aviazione e motori automobilistici.

Parti di riparazione del motore idraulico Guarnizione dell'olio

Paraolio dell'albero della pompa idraulica

I paraoli dell'albero della pompa idraulica sono guarnizioni in gomma utilizzate per proteggere l'albero della pompa idraulica dagli elementi esterni, evitando perdite di olio e mantenendo l'efficienza della pompa. Queste guarnizioni sono progettate per resistere a diverse condizioni di lavoro, tra cui temperatura, pressione, velocità, tipo di fluido e fattori ambientali. La scelta dei materiali per i paraoli è influenzata dalle caratteristiche dell'olio idraulico utilizzato, dalla temperatura di esercizio, dalla pressione e dalla resistenza chimica. I materiali in gomma resistenti all'olio hanno buone proprietà anticorrosione e garantiscono la funzionalità e la durata della guarnizione. Possono adattarsi a diverse condizioni di lavoro, come pressione, temperatura e velocità, per garantire l'affidabilità e la longevità della pompa. La capacità di tenuta del paraolio è fondamentale per la sua efficacia e longevità. Il materiale in gomma resistente all'olio utilizzato in queste guarnizioni ha buone proprietà anticorrosione, garantendo la longevità e la durata della guarnizione.

Anelli di sicurezza NBR 90

Anello di sicurezza NBR 90

L'anello di contropressione NBR 90 è realizzato in materiale di gomma NBR, che ha buone prestazioni di tenuta e durata ed è adatto ad alcune comuni applicazioni industriali. La funzione dell'anello di contropressione è quella di aumentare la pressione sull'elemento di tenuta, impedire la fuoriuscita di fluido dalla fessura di tenuta e fornire ulteriore supporto e stabilità. Di solito viene installato dietro l'O-ring o un altro elemento di tenuta per completare la tenuta o il supporto.

Front Fork Damper Oil Seal Dust Cover

Paraolio ammortizzatore forcella anteriore

The front fork damper oil seal dust cover is a rubber accessory used in motorcycles and bicycles to prevent dust and protect the oil seal. It features a double-layer structure, with the inner layer attached to the shock absorber and the outer layer providing dustproof and protective functions. The cover is certified under ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, RoHS Directive, and REACH laws. Its primary purpose is to keep particles out of the shock absorber’s interior, prolong its service life, preserve the oil seal, enhance performance, and extend maintenance intervals. Linde Polymer manufactures the oil seal dust cover according to industry standards, including ISO 9001, and conducts rigorous quality inspections and testing.

Guarnizioni in gomma NBR

Le guarnizioni in gomma NBR sono una guarnizione versatile, comprimibile e resiliente con numerose applicazioni. Si corrodono bene in presenza di oli, solventi, idrocarburi aromatici, idrocarburi alcalini, petrolio e gas, con una debole resistenza in presenza di mezzi fortemente ossidanti, idrocarburi clorurati, chetoni e lipidi. Sono facili da smontare e rimontare e garantiscono una buona tenuta su superfici irregolari.

Advantages and limitations

Good oil resistance: NBR rubber seals can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to liquids such as petroleum, fuel and lubricants.

Wear resistance: NBR rubber seals have good wear resistance and can be used for a long time in high friction and high pressure environments.

Heat resistance: NBR rubber seals can maintain their elasticity and sealing properties within a certain temperature range.


Good physical properties: NBR rubber seals have high tensile strength and tear strength, as well as good aging resistance.


NBR rubber seals also have some limitations. For example, its performance may degrade in high-temperature environments, so operating conditions and requirements need to be considered when selecting a seal.

Overall, NBR rubber seals are a common and widely used seal type that are used in multiple industrial and mechanical fields to provide reliable sealing and protection.


Industria automobilistica

NBR rubber seals are widely used in automobile manufacturing and repair fields. They are used to seal components such as engine systems, transmission systems, braking systems and hydraulic systems to prevent the leakage of liquids and gases.

Machinery manufacturing

In the machinery manufacturing industry, NBR rubber seals are used for the sealing requirements of various equipment and machinery. This includes hydraulic machinery, pneumatic equipment, pumps, valves and piping systems, etc.

Industria chimica

Because NBR rubber has good oil resistance and corrosion resistance, it is widely used in the chemical industry. NBR rubber seals can be used to seal equipment such as chemical reactors, pipelines, storage tanks and pumps to ensure that chemicals do not leak.

Food and pharmaceutical industry

In the food and pharmaceutical industry, NBR rubber seals are used to seal containers, pipes and equipment to ensure product hygiene and quality requirements. These seals typically meet food grade and pharmaceutical grade standards.

Energy and Petroleum Industry

NBR rubber seals play an important role in the energy and petroleum industry. They are used to seal equipment such as oil and gas pipelines, valves, wells and tanks to prevent leaks of energy and petroleum products.

Electronics and Electrical Industry

In electronic and electrical equipment manufacturing, NBR rubber seals are used to seal wires, cables, and connectors to provide waterproofing and insulating properties.

Common physical parameters

Density: 1.0 – 1.2 g/cm³

Density refers to the mass per unit volume, usually expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).


Hardness: 50 – 90 Shore A

Hardness is used to describe the hardness of a material, and a common measurement standard is Shore A hardness.


Tensile strength: 7 – 25 MPa

Tensile strength refers to the maximum tensile force that a material can withstand in a tensile test, usually measured in megapascals (MPa).


Compression deformation: 10% – 40%

Compression deformation refers to the degree of compression deformation of the seal under a certain pressure, expressed as a percentage.


Temperature range: -30°C to +120°C

The temperature resistance range of NBR rubber seals is usually between -30°C and +120°C, and exceeding this temperature range may affect its performance.


Oil resistance: good

NBR rubber seals have good oil resistance and can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to liquids such as petroleum, lubricants and fuels.


Introduction to mechanical, physical, chemical and process properties

Comportamento meccanico

Tensile strength: NBR rubber seals have good tensile strength and can withstand a certain amount of tensile force without breaking easily.

Compression deformation: NBR rubber seals can undergo a certain degree of compression deformation when subjected to pressure to provide an effective sealing effect.

Wear resistance: NBR rubber seals have good wear resistance and can be used in high friction environments for a long time without being easily worn.

Proprietà fisiche

Density: The density of NBR rubber seals is relatively stable, usually between 1.0 and 1.2 grams/cubic centimeter.

Elastic modulus: NBR rubber seals have a moderate elastic modulus and can provide certain elastic recovery performance.

Hardness: The hardness of NBR rubber seals can usually be expressed by Shore A hardness, with common hardness ranging from 50 to 90 Shore A.

Proprietà chimiche

Oil resistance: NBR rubber seals have good oil resistance and can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to liquids such as petroleum, lubricants and fuels.

Solvent resistance: NBR rubber seals have good resistance to many general solvents, but have poor resistance to polar solvents and strong acid and alkali solutions.

Prestazioni di elaborazione

Formability: NBR rubber seals have good formability and can be manufactured into seals of different shapes and sizes through extrusion, compression molding, injection molding and other methods.

Compression deformation recovery: NBR rubber seals have good compression deformation recovery, that is, they can quickly return to their original shape after being stressed.

It should be noted that the performance of NBR rubber seals will be affected by temperature, pressure, medium and use environment. When selecting and applying NBR rubber seals, actual working conditions and requirements need to be considered to ensure their performance and reliability.

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