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Guarnizioni in gomma NR

NR (natural rubber)

NR (natural rubber) is a common rubber material with good physical and chemical properties and processing properties, and is often used to manufacture rubber seals.


NR rubber seals are seals made from natural rubber and have good elasticity and wear resistance. Natural rubber is extracted from the latex of the rubber tree and is processed and vulcanized to form an elastomeric material. NR rubber seals are widely used in various industries and fields to provide effective sealing and protection functions.

NR Related Rubber Seals Products

Anello di tenuta del tubo dell'acqua

L'anello di tenuta del tubo dell'acqua svolge un ruolo importante nel sistema di tubazioni; l'anello di tenuta non solo può prevenire le perdite, resistere alla corrosione, ma anche alleviare le vibrazioni e gli urti, garantire l'efficienza e la sicurezza della trasmissione del fluido; le prestazioni della tenuta sono buone, evitano lo spreco di energia e migliorano l'efficienza della trasmissione del fluido. Pertanto, durante la progettazione e l'installazione del sistema di tubazioni, è molto importante selezionare l'anello di tenuta appropriato ed effettuare ispezioni e sostituzioni regolari per garantire il normale funzionamento e l'affidabilità del sistema di tubazioni.

Membrana in gomma

La membrana in gomma è una guarnizione in gomma a forma di foglio realizzata in tessuto monostrato o multistrato con colla biadesiva. È adatta a varie applicazioni, tra cui quelle automobilistiche, aerospaziali, petrolchimiche e mediche. La membrana offre buona elasticità, resistenza all'usura e può essere personalizzata per soddisfare diversi livelli di pressione. La sua resistenza alla corrosione e all'usura prolunga la vita utile delle valvole riduttrici di pressione. Le membrane in gomma migliorano l'efficienza produttiva, la qualità dei prodotti e la sicurezza in vari settori, garantendo la sicurezza e la salute dei prodotti.

anelli o in gomma naturale

I nostri O-Ring in gomma naturale sono l'opzione ideale per ottenere operazioni efficaci e prive di perdite, sia nel settore automobilistico che in quello aerospaziale, industriale, petrolifero e del gas. Contate sui nostri O-Ring di qualità superiore per soddisfare i vostri requisiti di tenuta e garantire le massime prestazioni nelle vostre applicazioni.

Guarnizioni in gomma naturale

Natural rubber seals have high elasticity at room temperature, slightly plastic, very good mechanical strength, low hysteresis loss, low heat generation during multiple deformation, so their flexural resistance is also very good, and because of non-polar rubber, so the electrical insulation performance is good. Therefore, natural rubber seals are very important for our lives.

Chemical pump O-ring

Chemical pump O-ring plays an important role, and its sealing performance directly affects the working efficiency and safety of the pump. Therefore, in the process of selection and use of liquid pump, it is necessary to fully consider the characteristics and requirements of Chemical pump O-ring, select the appropriate Chemical pump O-ring, and strengthen maintenance to ensure the normal operation and service life of the pump. At the same time, with the continuous development of science and technology, the technology of Chemical pump O-ring is also constantly innovating and improving to adapt to more complex and harsh working environment, and provide more reliable protection for the production of all walks of life.

NR Shock Absorber

NR shock absorber offers high elasticity and viscoelasticity, reducing impact and dynamic deformation. Its rubber formula components allow for flexible shape control, reducing deformation and noise. With large internal friction and good shock absorption, NR shock absorber is easy to install and disassemble, making it suitable for various applications.

Tappo in gomma

Il tappo di gomma è una guarnizione realizzata con materiali di gomma naturale o sintetica, utilizzata in vari settori come quello chimico, farmaceutico, alimentare e dei macchinari. Offre eccellenti proprietà come la resistenza alla corrosione, al freddo, al calore e all'usura, che lo rendono adatto a varie applicazioni. I tappi in gomma hanno buone prestazioni di tenuta, elasticità, comprimibilità e resistenza ai mezzi corrosivi, alle alte temperature e all'invecchiamento. Sono inoltre riutilizzabili, poiché sono morbidi e possono essere usati più volte senza danneggiare la superficie del contenitore.


  • Automobile industry: NR rubber seals play an important role in the automobile industry. They are widely used as seals in engines, transmissions, suspension systems, braking systems, fuel systems, etc. These seals provide reliable sealing performance to prevent the leakage of liquids and gases while withstanding high temperatures, pressures and harsh working environments.
  • Engineering machinery: NR rubber seals are widely used as seals in hydraulic systems in the field of engineering machinery, such as excavators, loaders, bulldozers, etc. These seals can effectively prevent fluid leakage in the hydraulic system and ensure the normal operation of mechanical equipment. They need to be resistant to wear, corrosion, high pressure, and high temperatures.
  • Electronic and electrical appliances: NR rubber seals are widely used in the field of electronic and electrical appliances. They are used in seals such as wire joints, insulation, battery seals, etc. in electronic equipment, home appliances, and the power industry. These seals can provide good waterproof, dustproof and insulation properties to protect the normal operation of electronic and electrical equipment.
  • Medical devices: NR rubber seals are widely used in the field of medical devices, such as syringes, infusion sets, artificial hearts, etc. These seals require excellent sealing performance and biocompatibility to ensure the safe and effective use of medical devices.
  • Food and Pharmaceuticals: NR rubber seals play an important role in the food processing and pharmaceutical industries. They are used as seals in food processing equipment, pharmaceutical production equipment and packaging equipment to ensure the hygiene and sealing of products. These seals need to meet food and drug safety standards and be resistant to high temperatures, corrosion and chemicals.


Comportamento meccanico

Tensile Strength and Elongation: NR rubber seals have good tensile strength and elongation. Tensile strength indicates the maximum pulling force it can withstand, while elongation indicates how much it can stretch before breaking.

Compression deformation: NR rubber seals can withstand certain compression deformation and adapt to different sealing surfaces and pressure requirements to ensure effective sealing effects.

Proprietà chimiche

Chemical resistance: NR rubber seals have good chemical resistance and good resistance to general acids, alkalis and solvents. However, its performance may be affected by the presence of certain chemicals such as petroleum products and organic solvents.

Oxidation resistance: NR rubber seals have certain resistance to oxygen and ozone, but long-term exposure to high temperature, high humidity and ultraviolet light may cause aging.

Proprietà fisiche

Elasticity and recovery: NR rubber seals have good elasticity and can quickly return to their original shape after being stressed, ensuring effective sealing performance. They are able to return to their original shape after being compressed or deformed, reducing the risk of leaks and penetration.

Wear resistance: NR rubber seals have high wear resistance and can withstand friction and wear. This makes them suitable for applications in high friction and wear environments, extending seal life.

Sealing performance: NR rubber seals can provide good sealing performance and prevent the leakage of liquid, gas or solid particles. They fill and adapt to minor irregularities in the sealing surface to create an effective seal.

Prestazioni di elaborazione

Plasticity and fluidity: NR rubber has good plasticity and fluidity, making it easy to process and shape. They can be formed through extrusion, injection molding, calendering and other processes to create seals of various shapes and sizes.

Adhesion: NR rubber seals are easy to bond with other materials, such as metal, plastic, etc. This allows them to bond tightly with other components, improving overall sealing performance.

In general, NR rubber seals have excellent physical, chemical, mechanical and processing properties and are suitable for applications with various sealing requirements. These properties make NR rubber seals one of the commonly used sealing solutions in many industrial fields.

The following are some common physical parameters of NR (natural rubber) rubber seals:

  • Density: approximately 0.92-0.95 g/cm³, the specific value depends on the formula and manufacturing process of the rubber material.
  • Hardness: Typically measured using Shore A hardness, a common range is 30-90 Shore A. The higher the hardness value, the harder the rubber seal is.
  • Tensile strength: Typically measured in a transverse tensile test, usually in the range of 10-30 MPa, depending on the material formulation and manufacturing process.
  • Elongation: Typically measured in a tensile test, indicating the percentage a rubber seal is able to stretch before breaking. The elongation of NR rubber seals is usually between 300%-800%.
  • Compression deformation: refers to the degree of deformation of a rubber seal after being subjected to pressure. Common compression set ranges are 10%-50%, depending on material formulation and service conditions.
  • Temperature resistance range: The temperature resistance of NR rubber seals is usually between -50℃ and +80℃. In high temperature environments, natural rubber may age and lose elasticity.
  • Chemical resistance: NR rubber seals have good resistance to general acids, alkalis and solvents. However, some organic solvents and petroleum products may be less tolerant.
  • Wear resistance: NR rubber seals have good wear resistance and can resist friction and wear.
  • The specific values of these physical property parameters may vary due to different rubber formulas, manufacturing processes and manufacturers.

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