Assistenza professionale per la mescola della gomma e per le guarnizioni di gomma - Logo Linde


Robotica .

With the advancement of science and technology, many industries have introduced robotic equipment to improve production efficiency or bring convenience to humans, such as industrial robots, medical robots, sweeping robots, etc. Rotary shaft seals and lip shafts are required in these robotic equipment Rubber seals such as seals and pneumatic seals make these robotic equipment run more smoothly and safely.

Robotics Related Rubber Seals .

Guarnizioni in gomma per giunti robotici

Guarnizioni di tenuta per robot industriali

Le guarnizioni in gomma per robot sono fondamentali per garantire l'affidabilità, la stabilità e la durata dei sistemi robotici. Svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel garantire la tenuta, la riduzione dell'attrito, l'assorbimento degli urti e delle vibrazioni e la resistenza alla temperatura e agli agenti chimici, proteggendo i componenti chiave del robot da interferenze e danni provenienti dall'ambiente esterno. Ciò garantisce operazioni industriali sicure ed efficienti.

Robotic sealing

sigillatura robotizzata

Sealing materials: FFKM RINGS

Name: Robotics sealings

Robotic sealing assemblies offer superior sealing performance, durability and compatibility, making them ideal for robotic system sealing applications. These components are designed to withstand challenging conditions and are easy to install and maintain, helping to run robots efficiently and reliably across industries. Trust Robot Sealing Components to provide the necessary sealing solutions for your robotic systems to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Guarnizioni per bracci robotici2

Guarnizioni per bracci robotici

Robotic arm seals are crucial during the operation of the equipment. Choosing appropriate seals can extend the maintenance cycle of the robotic arm and improve the efficiency and stability of the equipment.

Guarnizione di tenuta in silicone

Guarnizione di tenuta dell'effettore finale

With the continuous development of intelligent technology, end effector sealing gasket is increasingly used in various fields. In the future, end effectors will become an important part of intelligence, automation and unmanned operation, bringing more convenience and efficiency to people’s production and life.

Guarnizioni in gomma per robot

Guarnizioni in gomma per robot

Robot rubber seals play a key role in the robot system, including providing sealing performance, shock absorption and buffering, anti-slip and grip, insulation and anti-electric shock, as well as wear resistance and corrosion resistance. They have a significant impact on the performance, safety and reliability of the robot. If you need rubber seals for the robotic arms you are producing now or in the future, Linde Polymer, we can provide you with sealing solutions.

Materiali: .

Proprietà fisiche

Valore nominale (metrico)

Valore nominale (Imperiale)


1.10 g/cc

1.10 g/cc

Comportamento meccanico

Valore nominale (metrico)

Valore nominale (Imperiale)

Durezza Shore (Shore A)

40 – 90

40 – 90

ultimate tensile strength

9.00 – 18.0 MPa

1310 – 2610 psi

Allungamento (rottura)

250 – 550 %

250 – 550 %


15 – 25 %

15 – 25 %

prestazioni termiche

Valore nominale (metrico)

Valore nominale (Imperiale)

Temperatura massima di esercizio, Aria

175 °C

347 °F

Temperatura minima di esercizio, Aria

-40.0 °C

-40.0 °F

Guarnizioni in gomma Blog correlati .

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