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Guarnizioni in gomma VMQ

VMQ rubber seal

VMQ rubber seal, also known as silicone rubber seal, is a rubber seal polymerized from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).

VMQ Related Rubber Seals Products

Guarnizioni per motori di aerei

Although the size and quality of aero-Aircraft engine seals materials and their products are small, their application parts are wide, and their role is very critical, and their performance level and reliability can directly affect the overall performance and reliability of aero-engine.

O-Ring VMQ

VMQ O-rings are made from silicone rubber, a synthetic elastomer known for its excellent thermal stability and flexibility. The acronym “VMQ” stands for Vinyl Methyl Quality and refers to the specific type of silicone polymer used in the manufacturing process. These o-rings are widely used in the automotive, aerospace, medical, food processing and other industries.

Guarnizioni per rubinetti

Il silicone utilizzato per le guarnizioni dei rubinetti è una materia prima liquida che presenta vantaggi unici durante la lavorazione e può mantenere precisione, qualità e prestazioni per lunghi periodi di tempo. Altre proprietà includono una forte resistenza chimica, un'eccellente resistenza termica, rigidità dielettrica e deflessione a freddo. Il gel di silice ha anche buone proprietà di smorzamento meccanico ed elettrico. Fornisce eccellenti condizioni di prestazione per le guarnizioni dei rubinetti.

Anelli di tenuta del depuratore d'acqua

Gli anelli di tenuta dei depuratori d'acqua sono una parte importante di qualsiasi sistema di depurazione dell'acqua. Agiscono come una barriera tra l'acqua purificata e l'ambiente esterno, impedendo a qualsiasi contaminante di entrare nel sistema. L'anello di tenuta può garantire la sicurezza dell'acqua potabile sigillando efficacemente il processo di filtrazione e purificazione. Senza guarnizioni adeguate, l'acqua depurata può essere a rischio di contaminazione, rendendo inefficace l'intero sistema di depurazione dell'acqua.

Anelli di tenuta VMQ

Guarnizioni in gomma VMQ

Per applicazioni specifiche in condutture chimiche, se si desidera scegliere le guarnizioni in gomma VMQ, consultare gli ingegneri professionisti di Linde Polymer e seguire gli standard e le specifiche pertinenti in base alle condizioni e ai requisiti effettivi per garantire che le guarnizioni in materiale VMQ selezionate soddisfino i requisiti e possano fornire buoni effetti di tenuta.


  1. High temperature resistance: VMQ rubber seals have excellent high temperature resistance and are able to maintain their physical and mechanical properties under extreme temperatures. It can operate in the range of -60°C to +230°C and is suitable for sealing applications in high temperature environments.
  2. Excellent weather resistance: VMQ rubber seals have good weather resistance to oxygen, ozone, UV rays and atmospheric conditions. It can maintain its elasticity and sealing properties for a long time and is not easy to age and deteriorate.
  3. Good electrical insulation properties: VMQ rubber seal is an excellent electrical insulation material with good electrical insulation properties and dielectric properties. It is widely used in electrical and electronic equipment for insulation and sealing.
  4. Excellent chemical stability: VMQ rubber seals have good corrosion resistance to many chemicals, including acids, alkalis, solvents and various chemical media. It maintains its physical and chemical stability in a variety of corrosive environments.
  5. Good elasticity and resilience: VMQ rubber seals have good elasticity and resilience, able to quickly restore their original shape and sealing performance after compression and deformation.
  6. Excellent low-temperature flexibility: VMQ rubber seals can still maintain flexibility and elasticity in low-temperature environments and are not prone to hardening and brittleness, making them suitable for low-temperature sealing applications.

Performance (physical, chemical, mechanical processing)

Proprietà fisiche

Density: The density of VMQ rubber seals is typically between 1.1 and 1.3 g/cm³.

Hardness: Typically measured on the Shore A scale, which ranges from 30 to 80 and indicates the hardness and softness of rubber.

Elastic modulus: generally between 2 and 10 MPa, indicating the deformation and recovery ability of rubber when subjected to stress.

Elongation at break: usually between 200% and 600%, indicating the ductility of the rubber before it is stretched to rupture.

Thermal conductivity coefficient: usually between 0.15 and 0.3 W/(m·K), indicating the ability of rubber to conduct heat.

Proprietà chimiche

Corrosion resistance: VMQ rubber seals have good acid, alkali and solvent resistance, and can resist corrosion by many common chemicals.

Ozone resistance: VMQ rubber seals have good resistance to ozone and can be used for a long time in an ozone environment without deterioration.

Oxidation resistance: VMQ rubber seals are usually not susceptible to oxidation and aging when exposed to oxygen for a long time.

Comportamento meccanico

Tensile strength: generally between 5 and 10 MPa, indicating the tensile properties of rubber under tensile force.

Compression deformation: usually between 30% and 50%, indicating the rubber’s ability to compress under pressure.

Tear strength: generally between 10 and 30 N/mm, indicating the rubber's resistance to tearing force.

Prestazioni di elaborazione

Molding: VMQ rubber seals have good molding properties and can be manufactured by extrusion, compression molding or injection molding.

Adhesion: VMQ rubber seals are easy to bond with other materials, such as metal, plastic, etc.

Cutability: VMQ rubber seals can be processed and customized by cutting, punching, etc.

It is important to note that specific physical, chemical, mechanical and processing properties may vary depending on the manufacturer, product formulation and processing conditions. Therefore, when selecting and using VMQ rubber seals, it is recommended to refer to the specific product information and technical data sheets provided by the manufacturer for accurate performance parameters.


  • Automobile industry: VMQ rubber seals are widely used in the fields of automobile manufacturing and maintenance, such as engine seals, transmission system seals, brake system seals, air conditioning system seals, etc.
  • Aerospace industry: VMQ rubber seals play an important role in the aerospace field and are used for sealing aircraft engines, spacecraft propulsion systems, oil and gas systems.
  • Medical equipment: VMQ rubber seals are widely used in the manufacturing of medical equipment, such as infusion sets, syringes, artificial heart valves, etc.
  • Food processing: Because VMQ rubber seals have good high temperature resistance and food-grade certification, they are used in food processing and packaging equipment, such as food can seals, food filling mechanical seals, etc.
  • Electronic and electrical equipment: VMQ rubber seals are used for insulation and sealing in electronic and electrical equipment, such as wire and cable joint sealing, electronic component packaging, etc.
  • Chemical industry: Since VMQ rubber seals have good corrosion resistance to many chemicals, they are used in the chemical industry for sealing chemical reactors, storage tanks, pipes and valves.
  • Other applications: In addition to the above fields, VMQ rubber seals are also used in home appliances, energy equipment, water treatment equipment, oil and gas industry, metallurgical and mining equipment, etc.

It should be noted that specific application areas may vary depending on the industry, product requirements and environmental conditions.

Related tests

  1. Sealing test: Sealing performance testing is performed on VMQ rubber seals to ensure that they can effectively prevent fluid or gas leakage under specified pressure and temperature conditions.
  2. Physical performance testing: including hardness testing, tensile strength testing, elongation at break testing, etc. to evaluate the mechanical properties and durability of VMQ rubber seals.
  3. Temperature resistance performance test: By exposing the VMQ rubber seal to high and low temperature environments, it evaluates its high and low temperature resistance to ensure that it can still maintain its function and performance under extreme temperature conditions.
  4. Chemical resistance test: VMQ rubber seals are tested for chemical resistance and exposed to different chemicals to determine their corrosion resistance and chemical stability against acids, alkalis, solvents and other chemicals.
  5. Ozone resistance performance test: Test the durability and anti-aging ability of VMQ rubber seals in an ozone environment to ensure that they will not deteriorate under ozone exposure.
  6. Wear resistance test: Through friction and wear testing, the wear resistance of VMQ rubber seals is evaluated to ensure that it can withstand friction and wear during its service life.
  7. Biocompatibility Testing: VMQ rubber seals are biocompatibility tested to evaluate their safety and acceptability to human tissues and organisms.

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