
Brake air chamber rubber diaphragm is one of the key components used in the braking system of automobiles or other vehicles. It is a rubber component that resembles a film that is inserted into the brake air chamber and serves to translate air pressure information into mechanical action. The diaphragm’s primary job is to regulate the braking system’s performance by converting air pressure data into force and displacement. When the driver depresses the brake pedal, the brake booster or brake valve, or the brake power amplifier, receives the air pressure in the brake system via the diaphragm. A proportional force is then produced to operate the brake mechanism and produce the desired braking effect.

Dati tecnici

Materiale  EPDM
Densità 0.85 – 1.20 g/cm³
Durezza (Shore A) 40 – 90
Resistenza alla trazione 7 – 20 MPa
Allungamento a rottura  100% – 800%

Standard di certificazione

  • The international standard ISO 9001 is used to certify quality management systems. An organization that produces brake air chamber rubber diaphragms can obtain ISO 9001 certification to demonstrate that it has a functional quality management system and guarantee that the goods fulfill applicable quality requirements.
  • ISO/TS 16949: This international standard for quality management was developed for the supply chain of the automobile industry. Suppliers must adhere to stringent standards for process control, quality management, and continuous improvement in order to receive this accreditation. Such rubber diaphragm vendors may be required by some automakers and suppliers to hold ISO/TS 16949 certification.
  • One of the European certification standards for vehicle braking components is ECE R90. Brake linings, brake drums, brake discs, and other brake components must meet certain performance and safety standards. This rubber diaphragm is a crucial component of the braking system and may need to adhere to applicable norms and requirements, even though ECE R90 is primarily appropriate for brake linings.
  • The brake air chamber rubber diaphragm’s performance and lifespan are governed by SAE J2521, a standard that was established by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Rubber diaphragm material specifications, physical characteristics, durability, and life test procedures are outlined in this standard.

Vantaggi e funzioni

  1. Elasticity and Durability: The high-quality rubber used to make the brake air chamber rubber diaphragm has exceptional elasticity and durability. It can sustain high-pressure gas and repeated expansion and contraction during braking operations without losing its structural integrity.
  2. High temperature resistance: During braking, the friction produced by the brake system will cause a rise in temperature. The rubber diaphragm in the brake air chamber needs to be very temperature resistant. It ensures that the brake system operates normally even in high-temperature conditions by remaining flexible and functional.
  3. Chemical resistance is the ability of the rubber diaphragm to tolerate the chemicals included in the braking fluid, including the water, oil, and additives. High-grade rubber materials may protect the braking system’s functionality and safety while also efficiently fending against chemical deterioration.
  4. Effectively preventing gas and liquid leaks both inside and outside the brake chamber, the rubber diaphragm in the brake air chamber provides superior sealing performance. It guarantees that in order to preserve the stability and dependability of brake operation, the brake system can sustain the necessary hydraulic and air pressure.
  5. Smooth braking function is made possible by the rubber diaphragm’s ability to absorb and lessen vibration and stress in the braking system. It can prolong the life of the braking system, increase driving comfort, and lessen vibration and noise while applying the brakes.
  6. Excellent performance and dependability: The brake system’s dependability and safety are guaranteed by the high caliber and steady operation of the brake air chamber rubber diaphragm. It is a crucial part of the brake system’s sealing mechanism, guaranteeing smooth functioning and delivering consistent braking reaction and performance.