
A fuel pump gasket seal is a sealing gasket used in the installation of a fuel pump. It is installed at the connection between the fuel pump and other components to provide fuel system sealing and prevent fuel leakage. The gasket is annular, elastic, and flexible, making it simple to install and seal. This gasket is installed at the bottom of the fuel pump or other crucial connection during installation to guarantee a good seal with neighboring components.

Dati tecnici

Materiale TPU
Densità 1.12–1.25 g/cm³
Punto di fusione  170–220 °C
Glass transition temperature -30 – 80 °C
Temperatura di accensione > 350 °C

Standard di certificazione

  • ISO 9001:2015 is a quality management system certification standard that applies to a wide range of industrial and service businesses. Passing ISO 9001 certification implies that the firm has a strong quality management system in place to ensure that products fulfill quality standards and can be traced.
  • ASTM D2000: The American Society for Testing and Materials produced ASTM D2000 for the categorization and specification of polymer materials. It contains techniques and regulations for assessing materials’ physical qualities, chemical properties, temperature resistance, and chemical resistance.
  • SAE J200: SAE J200 is a rubber material categorization and specification standard created by the Society of Automotive Engineers. It comprises testing procedures and standards for rubber materials’ physical qualities, temperature resistance, oil resistance, and chemical resistance.

Vantaggi e funzioni

  1. Sealing performance: The primary function of the fuel pump gasket seal is to keep the fuel system sealed. It prevents gasoline leakage at the connection between the fuel pump and other components. Gasket seals with strong sealing performance may effectively prevent fuel leakage in the fuel system and keep the system running normally.
  2. Oil resistance: Because the gasket will be in close contact with the gasoline, it must be oil resistant. Premium gasket sealing materials are resistant to corrosion and damage when exposed to gasoline. This increases the dependability and durability of the fuel system.
  3. Temperature resistance: The fuel pump gasket seal must be able to endure high temperatures. Because the heat created by the fuel in the fuel system and engine can cause the surrounding temperature to rise, the gasket seal must be resistant to high temperatures in order to retain sealing effectiveness.
  4. Compression set resistance: Gaskets must be able to withstand the pressures in the fuel system. great-quality gasket sealing materials have great compression deformation resistance and can sustain consistent sealing performance in high-pressure settings.
  5. Chemical resistance: The fuel pump gasket seal must be chemically resistant and able to withstand the erosion of chemicals and solvents contained in the fuel system. This prevents chemical damage to the gasket seal during usage, preserving its performance and lifetime.
  6. Fuel pump gasket seals are typically flat or ring in form, making them simple and straightforward to install. It acts as a key component between the fuel pump and other components, guaranteeing a solid seal at the connection and being simply fitted in position.


A fuel pump gasket seal is a critical sealing gasket used in the installation of a fuel pump to prevent fuel leakage. Because it is annular, elastic, and flexible, it is simple to install and seal. TPU material having a density of 1.12-1.25 g/cm3, a melting point of 170-220 °C, and a glass transition temperature of -30-80 °C is used to make the gasket. It is ISO 9001:2015, ASTM D2000, and SAE J200 certified. The major role of the gasket seal is to keep the fuel system sealed, avoiding gasoline leaks. It must be oil, temperature, compression set, and chemically resistant. Because these seals are often flat or ring-shaped, they are simple to install and maintain in terms of performance and longevity.