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HNBR rubber seals

HNBR (Hydrogenated nitrile rubber)

HNBR (Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) is a high-performance rubber material commonly used to make seals. HNBR rubber seals have many excellent properties and are suitable for a variety of harsh industrial applications.

HNBR Related Rubber Seals Products

HNBR O ring meets higher temperatures than standard NBR

hnbr o rings

HNBR O rings are advanced sealing solutions that offer exceptional resistance in demanding environments, such as automotive, oil and gas, mechanical, and food processing industries. These hydrogenated nitrile copolymers bridge the performance gap between standard NBR, EPDM, and FKM elastomers, providing extended temperature ranges, chemical resistance, and extended service life. Linde, a company specializing in industrial products and services, recommends HNBR O rings for demanding applications due to their excellent price/performance ratio and resistance to high temperatures, chemicals, and oil. HNBR O-rings are suitable for applications involving biofuels, motor oils, lubricating oils, mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids, and oil/amine mixtures.

HNBR Rubber seal

air conditioning system nozzles HNBR rubber seals

Air conditioning system nozzles HNBR rubber seals are essential because they offer excellent heat resistance, chemical resistance, remarkable sealing ability, wear resistance, and flexibility. Because they stop leaks and corrosion, these seals are perfect for areas with high temperatures. Additionally, they resist wear and tear, needing minimal upkeep and replacements. ASTM D2000, ISO 1629, and ISO 3601 have approved HNBR seals, offering consistent test protocols and specifications. In addition, they have magnificent elasticity and flexibility, high tensile strength, and resistance to weathering and ozone exposure. In order to preserve the cooling effect and refrigerant cycle during routine operation, these seals are crucial.

hydrogenated nitrile o ring

hydrogenated nitrile o ring

hydrogenated nitrile o ring are specialized elastomeric sealing components designed for harsh environments, including high temperatures, oils, fuels, and compounds. HNBR combines heat resistance, mechanical strength, and chemical elasticity, making it a reliable choice for applications requiring high tensile strength at elevated temperatures while maintaining resistance to various substances. HNBR’s temperature resistance, oil and fluid compatibility, chemical resistance, bio-oil compatibility, wear resistance, tensile strength, and dynamic load suitability make it suitable for various industries, including automotive, hydraulic systems, industrial equipment, aerospace, and oil and gas exploration and production equipment.

HNBR 90 Rubber Rings

Black HNBR 90 Shore A O-Rings

Black HNBR 90 Shore A O-rings are commonly used in industrial equipment, automotive engineering, oil field equipment and other fields to provide reliable sealing and leak-proof functions. It can perform well in harsh environments such as high temperature, high pressure and chemical corrosion, and can meet various engineering requirements. Depending on the specific application requirements, O-rings of different sizes and shapes can be selected to meet specific sealing needs.

Steering seal

The steering seal is crucial in the power steering hydraulic system, preventing power loss and reducing friction. It enhances maneuverability, prolongs the car’s service life, reduces noise and vibration, and improves fuel economy by preventing hydraulic energy loss and enhancing steering action smoothness. The seal also prevents oil leakage, preventing wear and tear on components. Additionally, it minimizes noise and vibration during steering, enhancing overall driving performance.

Green HNBR O rings 1

Green HNBR o-rings for gasoline

Green HNBR O-rings for Gasoline Systems: These o-rings are designed to be used as sealing rings in gasoline systems. HNBR, or hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber, is well known for its resilience to chemicals and oils. These rings have certifications from SAE J200, ISO 3601, ISO 1629, and ASTM D2000. Outstanding strength and wear resistance, dimension stability, resistance to chemicals and oils, durability at high temperatures, and environmental friendliness are all provided by them. They are durable, suitable for high-pressure and dynamic applications, and comply with environmental protection regulations. High-pressure and dynamic situations can be utilized with green HNBR o-rings.

Hydraulic pipe joint seals

Hydraulic pipe joint seals should pay attention to the details in the selection and installation, and operate strictly according to the specifications; In storage, to ensure that it is not subject to high temperature, exposure to sunlight, to ensure that it is not aging, embrittlement; When working, it is suitable for the working medium, and once the medium is not polluted, etc. These can control the occurrence of leakage and the amount of leakage in a smaller reservoir, effectively reducing leakage.

rubber rod seals

HNBR Rod Seals

HNBR Rod Seals are located in a sealing groove around the piston rod of a hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder and is used to prevent liquid or gas from leaking from one area of the system to another. The sealing ring usually adopts a U-shaped design and has a certain degree of elasticity, which can adapt to the reciprocating movement of the piston rod and provide effective sealing performance.

HNBR Sealing Ring

HNBR Sealing Ring

HNBR sealing ring have excellent chemical resistance to chemical media such as diesel, amine corrosion inhibitors, steam and acids. Especially suitable for the production of oil and gas wells, drill pipe guards, plugs, valve seals, pump pistons, power cable sheaths, rotating hoses and other rubber parts.

Advantages and intolerance to environments and media

Chemical resistance: HNBR rubber seals have excellent chemical resistance and can resist the attack of a variety of chemicals, including acids, alkalis, solvents and oils. It shows better resistance to strong acid, strong alkali and high temperature environments. Compared with NBR rubber seals, HNBR rubber seals also have better resistance to polar solvents and fatty substances.


Heat resistance: HNBR rubber seals have high heat resistance and can maintain their physical and sealing properties in high temperature environments. It is typically able to withstand temperatures ranging from -40°C to +150°C, making it versatile in high temperature applications.


Wear resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good wear resistance and can be used in high friction environments for a long time without being easily worn. This makes it excellent in applications where resistance to wear and friction is required, such as dynamic sealing and rotary seal applications.


Oil resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good oil resistance to a variety of lubricants, fuels and industrial oils. Its ability to maintain its performance and sealing properties in contact with grease and petroleum products makes it widely used in applications involving lubrication systems and the petroleum industry.


Aging resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good antioxidant and anti-ozone properties and can resist oxidation and ozone erosion, so they have a long service life.


Environments and media that may not be suitable for HNBR rubber seals

High concentration of acids and alkalis: In environments with higher concentrations of acids and alkalis, HNBR rubber seals may be corroded and damaged. Especially strong acid and alkali media such as concentrated sulfuric acid, concentrated hydrofluoric acid and concentrated alkali solution.


High-temperature steam: In high-temperature steam environments, the performance of HNBR rubber seals may be affected. High temperature steam can cause degradation and failure of rubber materials.


High-temperature oxidants: Certain high-temperature oxidants (such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc.) may cause damage to HNBR rubber seals. These oxidants can cause aging and damage to rubber materials.


Aromatic solvents: Certain aromatic solvents (such as benzene, toluene, etc.) may cause HNBR rubber seals to swell, soften or fail.


Chlorides and bromides: Chlorides and bromides may adversely affect HNBR rubber seals, causing corrosion and failure.

Common features

Mechanical behavior

High tensile strength: HNBR rubber seals have good tensile strength and can withstand a certain amount of tension without breaking easily.

Excellent tear resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good tear resistance and can resist tearing and breakage.

Good resistance to compression deformation: HNBR rubber seals are able to maintain their shape and sealing performance when subjected to pressure.

Physical properties

Heat Resistance: HNBR rubber seals are able to maintain their physical properties in high temperature environments, typically withstanding temperatures ranging from -40°C to +150°C.

Low temperature resistance: HNBR rubber seals can still maintain elasticity and sealing performance in low temperature environments, and can usually withstand lower temperatures.

Excellent oil resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good oil resistance to a variety of lubricants, fuels and industrial oils.

Ozone resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good ozone resistance and can resist ozone erosion.

Chemical properties

Chemical resistance: HNBR rubber seals maintain their performance and sealing properties under the action of chemicals such as acids, alkalis, solvents and oils.

Solvent resistance: HNBR rubber seals have good resistance to some solvents and can maintain their performance when exposed to solvents.

Processing performance

Good processability: HNBR rubber seals have good processability and are easy to be formed and processed into seals of different shapes.

It should be noted that specific performance parameters may vary depending on the formulation, manufacturing process and supplier of HNBR rubber seals.

Some common applications

Automotive industry: HNBR rubber seals are widely used in the automotive industry. They are often used as seals for critical components such as engine systems, transmission systems, braking systems, fuel systems and cooling systems. Because HNBR rubber seals are oil-, heat-, and chemical-resistant and can maintain sealing performance in harsh working environments, they are widely used in automotive engine seals, O-rings, gaskets, and sealing rings.


Industrial equipment: HNBR rubber seals are used in various industrial equipment. They are commonly used as seals in pneumatic and hydraulic systems, such as cylinder seals, piston seals, valve seals and pipe connection seals. The wear resistance and chemical resistance of HNBR rubber seals allow them to perform well in high pressure, high temperature and chemically corrosive environments.


Pressure vessels and pipelines: HNBR rubber seals are often used to seal and prevent leaks in pressure vessels and pipeline systems. They are able to withstand high pressures and temperatures, maintain sealing properties and ensure safe operation of the system.


Oil and Gas Industry: HNBR rubber seals have important applications in the oil and gas industry. They are commonly used in critical components such as oil well equipment, valves, pipe connections and seals. The oil and chemical resistance of HNBR rubber seals allows them to be used for extended periods of time in oil field environments and chemical exposure.


Medical equipment: HNBR rubber seals also have certain applications in medical equipment, such as medical devices, pharmaceutical packaging and liquid delivery systems. Its chemical resistance and reliable sealing properties make it suitable for the demanding requirements of the medical industry.


Appropriate HNBR rubber seals need to be selected based on the requirements and environmental characteristics of the specific application.

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