FKM hydraulic pump oil seal

The FKM hydraulic pump oil seal is made of fluorine rubber and is designed for use in hydraulic pump systems. Viton, a high-performance rubber material, is known for its excellent resistance to chemicals, oils, and high temperatures. Its primary function is to prevent hydraulic oil leakage in hydraulic pumps, ensuring system reliability and normal operation. Due to its exceptional oil resistance, it can withstand contact with various hydraulic oils without expanding, softening, or failing. FKM materials have good high temperature resistance and can maintain elasticity and sealing properties in high temperature environments. Oil seal design and size vary based on specific hydraulic pump system requirements. They are usually installed on the bearings or shaft seals of hydraulic pumps and fit with the rotating shaft to prevent liquid leakage. Oil seals are commonly used in industrial and mechanical equipment, such as hydraulic systems, engineering machinery, the automotive industry, and aerospace. Their purpose is to ensure the reliability of hydraulic pump systems, increase efficiency, reduce leakage, and protect equipment to provide reliable performance.

Technical data

Density  1.8–2.0 g/cm³
Hardness (a measure of hardness) 70–90 Shore A
Tensile strength 10–20 MPa
Elongation at break  100 — 300%
Compressive stress relaxation  20 — 40% (70 hours, 150 °C)

Certification standard

  • The ISO 9001 certification for quality management systems guarantees that producers have a suitable system in place and are able to produce goods that adhere to quality requirements.
  • ISO/TS 16949 is a quality management system certification specific to the automobile sector, intended for components suppliers to automakers. Manufacturers must adhere to stringent standards for quality and management.
  • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed ASTM D2000 as a standard to identify the chemical and physical characteristics of rubber materials. It comprises test specifications for tensile strength, oil resistance, hardness criteria, and material performance indicators, among other things.
  • The European Chemical Regulation (REACH) mandates that producers and importers register, assess, and regulate the chemicals they use in order to safeguard the environment and public health.

Is FKM compatible with oil?

In general, FKM and oils work well together. It has outstanding resistance to many types of oils, such as fuels, lubricants, hydraulic oils, synthetic oils, and mineral oils. Keeps its physical characteristics and sealing abilities when it comes into contact with oil, which makes it a good material for gaskets, oil seals, and other sealing applications.

Because of its distinct chemical structure, which has a high percentage of fluorine atoms, FKM is resistant to oil. Excellent chemical resistance, high temperature stability, and resistance to swelling and deterioration when exposed to oil and petroleum-based fluids are all made possible by this structure. Compatibility with particular oils, however, may differ based on the oil type and composition. The performance of FKM seals in certain oil applications may occasionally be impacted by particular additives or harsh environmental factors.

Is FKM rubber safe to use?

  1. Chemical Compatibility: FKM rubber has a strong defense against a variety of substances, such as acids, solvents, oils, and fuels. This material’s ability to withstand chemicals helps preserve its integrity by stopping it from breaking down or leaking dangerous compounds into the surrounding area.
  2. Regulatory Conformance: To guarantee chemical safety, FKM rubber can meet a number of regulatory requirements and certifications, including those from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for applications involving food contact, RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) for electronics, and REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction) Chemistry products. Documentation proving adherence to these rules will be supplied by Linde Polymer.
  3. Application-specific considerations: Although FKM rubber is typically safe, it’s vital to take potential dangers and application-specific needs into account. To guarantee the compatibility and safety of FKM rubber in a particular application, factors like temperature, pressure, exposure to certain chemicals, and the presence of food or pharmaceuticals should be assessed.
  4. Manufacturer’s Instructions: When it comes to handling, storing, installing, and maintaining FKM Rubber, it’s critical to adhere to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. Based on the composition and planned usage of their product, manufacturers can offer detailed safety advice.

Advantage and function

  1. Outstanding resistance to oil: FKM hydraulic pump oil seals are resistant to a wide range of oils, including lubricating, hydraulic, synthetic, and mineral oils. When it comes into touch with oil, it doesn’t bloat, dissolve, or split; instead, it keeps its material integrity and sealing qualities.
  2. High temperature stability: The physical characteristics and sealing performance of FKM hydraulic pump oil seals can withstand high temperatures with remarkable ease. It ensures dependability and longevity in machinery like hydraulic pumps by withstanding pressure, friction, and thermal cycling under high temperature circumstances.
  3. Excellent chemical resistance: Acids, solvents, and ketones are just a few of the chemicals that FKM hydraulic pump oil seals can withstand. It is resistant to corrosion and chemical assault, and it keeps its integrity and functionality.
  4. Outstanding mechanical qualities: The FKM hydraulic pump oil seal is strong, resilient to wear, and resistant to pressure. It guarantees seal endurance and dependability in hydraulic systems by withstanding pressure, vibration, and mechanical stress.
  5. Waterproof and dust-proof operation: The FKM hydraulic pump oil seal can successfully keep outside dirt, dust, and moisture out of the hydraulic system while shielding the system’s interior working parts from contaminating or being damaged.
  6. Long life: The FKM hydraulic pump oil seal can offer long-term and stable sealing performance and prolong the service life of hydraulic pumps and related equipment due to its exceptional qualities, which include oil resistance, temperature resistance, and chemical corrosion resistance.