
Rubber radiator insulator pads are unique radiator components primarily utilized for thermal and electrical insulation in automobile radiators. It is often composed of rubber, which has strong heat resistance and electrical insulating qualities. In summary, it has a significant function in the car cooling system and offers the benefits of heat resistance, vibration resistance, and easy installation. They safeguard the radiator’s safe functioning while enhancing the cooling system’s overall effectiveness and performance.

Technical data

Material SBR
Density  1.00–1.10 g/cm³
Hardness (Shore A)  50–90
Tensile strength  10–25 MPa
Elongation  200 — 700%

Certification standard

  • The ISO 9001 international standard for quality management systems guarantees that the production process of products satisfies certain quality management requirements.
  • A quality management system standard for the automotive sector, especially for companies that make automobile parts, is ISO/TS 16949. Manufacturers must adhere to specified standards for quality control, technological requirements, and ongoing development.
  • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) published the rubber material specification standard ASTM D2000, which lays forth specifications for the durability, chemical resistance, and physical characteristics of rubber materials.
  • The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) published SAE J200, a standard that outlines the performance specifications and categorization of rubber materials.
  • RoHS: The use of hazardous materials in electronic and electrical equipment is restricted under the EU’s RoHS directive. Rubber radiator insulator pads could have to abide by the RoHS directive’s limitations on dangerous materials.
  • REACH: The European Union adopted REACH as a legislation pertaining to the authorization, assessment, registration, and limitation of chemical compounds. Rubber radiator insulator pads may need to abide by the REACH regulation’s criteria if certain chemicals are used in them.

Advantage and function

  1. Electrical insulation: Rubber radiator insulator pads may efficiently separate current conduction between the radiator and other electrical components due to their strong electrical insulation qualities. By preventing electrical shorts, shocks, and malfunctions, this enhances the cooling system’s overall safety.
  2. Thermal protection: Rubber radiator insulator pads may effectively stop heat from the radiator from transferring to other parts of the system or the outside air. This prevents heat loss and enhances the radiator’s functionality and efficiency.
  3. Heat resistance: It is often composed of rubber that is resistant to high temperatures, allowing it to remain stable and long-lasting in the radiator’s high-temperature operating environment. It guarantees the radiator will function normally and can sustain usage in hot weather.
  4. Vibration isolation function: Rubber radiator insulator pads can lessen the radiator’s vibration transmission when driving. They offer a specific vibration isolation effect. It is smoothest and lessens vibrations, lowering noise and vibration and making driving more comfortable.
  5. Chemical resistance: Lubricants, coolants, and other chemicals can’t usually harm insulating pads because of their strong chemical resistance. This guarantees the cooling system insulating pad’s dependability and durability.
  6. Simple installation: Rubber radiator insulator pads are typically made to fit into radiators and other components easily, making installation easier and increasing manufacturing efficiency.


Rubber radiator insulator pads are essential components for thermal and electrical insulation in automobile radiators. Since rubber has a high heat resistance and good electrical insulating properties, they are built of it. These pads improve the radiator’s overall performance and are essential to its safety. They hold certifications from RoHS, REACH, ASTM D2000, SAE J200, ISO/TS 16949, and ISO 9001. They have benefits including chemical resistance, vibration isolation, heat resistance, electrical insulation, and thermal protection. Furthermore, they are simple to install, which facilitates installation and boosts production effectiveness. Additionally, rubber radiator insulator pads adhere to REACH and RoHS standards. In addition, they are made to fit neatly into radiators and other parts, which facilitates installation and boosts production effectiveness.