Tire Changer Machine Cylinder Ring

Tire-changing apparatus an essential part of the tire changer machine’s cylinder is the cylinder ring. The cylinder plays a crucial role in a tire change machine by pushing the piston and other moving components. The cylinder sealing ring, which is housed inside the cylinder, seals the cylinder area to stop compressed air leaks and maintain the cylinder’s proper operation. Rubber and other elastic materials that resist wear are typically used to make cylinder seals. Its cross-section is round, and it creates a tight sealing contact with the cylinder wall to stop compressed air from escaping the cylinder. To guarantee precise fit and sealing, seals are usually designed and formed in accordance with the unique tire changer cylinder design and specifications.

Technical data

Material  Rubber
Size 30*20*7mm
Color Black
Origin  Mainland China

Structure and materials

Structure: To provide a tight fit between the cylinder and the piston, cylinder rings are often composed of metal or synthetic materials with a certain amount of flexibility. Typically, its cross-section is trapezoidal or rectangular to fit the size and form of the cylinder.

Material selection: To adapt to the many environments and situations that the tire changer machine may experience throughout its operation, the cylinder ring of the machine has to have strong wear, heat, and grease resistance. Materials like rubber, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyurethane, etc. are frequently utilized.

Manufacturing requirements for Tire changer machine cylinder ring

  • Material selection: To withstand the numerous environments and situations that the tire changing machine may experience while operating, the cylinder ring’s material must have strong heat, oil, and wear resistance.
  • Design Specifications: To guarantee that it can establish a tight contact between the cylinder and piston to produce an efficient seal, the tire changer machine’s cylinder ring design must adhere to certain size and form guidelines.
  • Accurate machining is necessary throughout the cylinder ring production process to guarantee the cylinder rings’ size and form, which is essential to the cylinder rings’ operation.
  • Strict quality control is necessary for cylinder rings during the production process. This includes evaluating the materials, size, and performance of the rings to make sure they fulfill application and design specifications.
  • Compatible with: Tire changer For the system to operate in unison, the cylinder ring must be compatible with the other components of the tire changer machine, such as the cylinders, pistons, etc.
  • Durability: Because tire changers operate on a regular basis in real life, the cylinder rings must be highly durable and able to continue operating at the same level for an extended period of time.
  • Upkeep and replacement: The cylinder ring of a tire changer machine is made to be easily maintained and replaced, which lowers equipment maintenance costs and boosts productivity.
  • Environmental impact: In order to maintain compliance with pertinent environmental protection standards and legislation, Linde Polymer also takes the environment into account while making cylinder rings.


  1. Sealing: Providing sealing between the cylinder and piston is one of the tire changer machine’s cylinder ring’s primary purposes. It keeps the cylinder’s pressure constant and stops pressurized air or other working medium from leaking, allowing the tire changer to operate as intended. The tire changing machine’s operational efficiency and safety can both be enhanced by good sealing performance.
  2. Guiding function: To guarantee that the piston may travel smoothly and linearly inside the cylinder, the cylinder ring also serves as a guide. This guiding effect increases the cylinder and piston’s service life by lowering wear and friction during piston movement.
  3. Resist pressure: The cylinder of the tire changer needs to be able to resist more pressure while it is operating. For the cylinder ring to function well and remain stable in high-pressure settings, its construction and material must be able to sustain these pressures.
  4. Minimize wear: The use of a cylinder ring in a tire changer machine can lessen the direct contact between the piston and the cylinder’s inner wall. This can lower the cost of equipment maintenance while enhancing the dependability and longevity of the equipment.
  5. Enhanced Efficiency: Cylinder rings contribute to an increase in the tire changing machine’s operational efficiency by guaranteeing that the piston moves precisely. Precise piston movement increases overall work efficiency by guaranteeing a quick and error-free tire replacement procedure.
  6. Maintenance and Replacement: The cylinder ring of the tire changer machine is intended to last a long time, although wear and damage may eventually require replacement. Your tire changer will continue to operate at its best with routine checks and prompt replacements.