About Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings

Ultra high purity low outgassing FFKM O-rings are FFKM (Perfluoroelastomer) O-rings with ultra-high purity and low outgassing characteristics. FFKM is a special fluoroelastomer material with excellent chemical resistance, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, making it suitable for extreme working environments.

Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O Rings


■ Ultra-high purity: This type of FFKM O-ring is specially treated to ensure the material is of extremely high purity. This is crucial for applications in high-precision and demanding industries (such as semiconductors, optics, aerospace, etc.) to avoid contamination and impact of impurities on the system.

■ Low gas emission: low outgassing FFKM O-rings have low gas emission characteristics, which means that in high vacuum or low pressure environments, O-rings will not release harmful gases or cause gas contamination. This is important for applications where high purity and low contamination need to be maintained.

■ Chemical resistance: FFKM material has excellent chemical resistance and can withstand the erosion of various acids, alkalis, solvents and corrosive substances. This makes FFKM O-rings ideal for applications involving strong acid and alkali environments.

■ High temperature resistance: FFKM material has excellent high temperature resistance and can maintain stability and sealing performance under extreme temperatures. This enables Ultra high purity FFKM O-rings to adapt to sealing needs in high temperature environments.

Advantages of High Purity FFKM

• Low erosion level and also ultra-low particle generation in oxygen and fluorine-based plasmas.
• Exceptional flexible recovery and low compression set properties.
• Surprisingly low outgassing properties and metal content.
• Fantastic effectiveness against dry process chemistry.
• Fantastic thermal firmness.


Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings are mainly used in the following fields and specific applications:

1. Semiconductor manufacturing: In the semiconductor industry, extremely high purity and low gas emission levels need to be maintained. Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings are used to seal critical components in semiconductor equipment, such as vacuum chambers, gas delivery systems, chemical handling equipment, etc., to ensure that impurities and gases do not contaminate the semiconductor manufacturing process.

2. Optical equipment: In the field of optics, FFKM O-Rings are widely used for sealing high-precision optical instruments and equipment. These instruments include lasers, spectrometers, microscopes, fiber optic connectors, etc. They ensure the proper operation of the instrument while avoiding the impact of impurities and gases on optical performance.

3. Aerospace: In the aerospace field, FFKM O-Rings are used to seal key components such as aerospace vehicles, satellites, rocket engines and propulsion systems. They can withstand extreme temperatures, pressures and chemical environments, ensuring system reliability and safety.

4. Nuclear industry: The nuclear industry has very strict requirements on the purity of materials and low gas emission. Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings can be used in critical applications such as nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel processing equipment. They are able to withstand nuclear radiation, high temperatures and high pressure environments while maintaining system sealing and purity.

In general, Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings are mainly used in industries with extremely high requirements for ultra-high purity and low gas emission, such as semiconductor manufacturing, optical equipment, aerospace and nuclear industries. They are used to seal critical equipment and components, ensuring system reliability, purity and stability.

The difference between Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings and ordinary FFKM O-rings

1. Purity requirements: Special FFKM O-Rings have higher purity requirements for materials. They undergo special processing to ensure that the content of impurities and contaminants in the material is as low as possible. This is important for applications that require working in high-purity environments, such as semiconductor manufacturing and optical equipment.

2. Gas release characteristics: Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings have a lower gas release rate. In high vacuum or low pressure environments, ordinary FFKM O-rings may release trace amounts of gas, while Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings perform better in this regard, with almost no gas release to avoid contamination of the system.

3. Application fields: Due to its ultra-high purity and low gas emission characteristics, its special FFKM O-Rings are mainly used in industries with extremely high requirements for purity and low pollution, such as semiconductor manufacturing, optical equipment, aerospace and nuclear industries. Ordinary FFKM O-rings are mostly used in general industrial applications.

4. Cost: Since Ultra High Purity Low Outgassing FFKM O-Rings have higher purity and stricter requirements, their manufacturing and processing processes may be more complex, resulting in a higher cost than ordinary FFKM O-rings. This is due to the need to use purer raw materials and special processing steps.

In general, its special FFKM O-Rings have higher purity and lower gas emission characteristics than ordinary FFKM O-rings, and are suitable for special applications that require extremely high purity and low pollution. However, which type of O-ring to choose depends on the specific application needs and requirements.

Why is the FFKM O-ring Price So High?

If you have bought or worked with perfluoroelastomer FFKM o-rings right before, you must be also conscious of their high fees. FFKM compound parts now have so many advantages like high-temperature resistance, high-temperature steam resistance, nearly universal chemical compatibility, high purity, and challenging applications linked to them. They have quite a good dependable sealing effect and they can last a very long time.

Choose LINDE FFKM to Save Cost

At Linde Polymer Tec Co.,Ltd., our self-sufficient factory enables us to develop a more cost-effective solution that provides the same level of functionality for stressful purposes. Produced from nearly the same materials as Kalrez and other pricier companies, our FFKM compound can be used in applications requiring high temperature, chemical resistance, and high pressure O-rings with performance comparable to many other major FFKM belts.