1 Introduction

1.1 Importance of rubber vacuum sealing system

Rubber vacuum sealing systems are essential to contemporary technology and industry. They are widely used to ensure a high degree of isolation between the inside of the system and the external environment, thereby maintaining the necessary vacuum or pressure conditions, in a variety of industries, including scientific research, aerospace, the chemical industry, medical, and semiconductor manufacturing. These sealing systems’ performance and design have a direct impact on equipment safety, productivity, and product quality.

2. Definition and characteristics of rubber vacuum sealing system

2.1 What is a rubber vacuum sealing system?

The rubber vacuum sealing system is a tool that seals under pressure or vacuum by taking use of the flexibility of rubber materials. These systems usually consist of one or more rubber seals that are intended to provide a closed barrier between equipment moving parts or connections in order to stop gases or liquids from leaking.

2.2 Main features

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Excellent sealing performance is achieved by the rubber material’s ability to maintain tight contact even under pressure fluctuations and adjust to little unevenness between the contact surfaces thanks to its exceptional flexibility.

Robust resistance against corrosion

Rubber seals are perfect for use in chemical processes and laboratory equipment since they typically have strong chemical stability and are resistant to a broad variety of chemicals, including acids, alkalis, organic solvents, etc.

Rong lasting

Rubber materials are long-lasting, which allows them to function well for prolonged periods of time. This lowers the need for regular maintenance and replacement, which lowers operating expenses.

Adaptability to temperature

Vacuum sealing systems may withstand temperatures ranging from extremely low to moderately high, depending on the type of rubber used. This makes them acceptable for a broad range of work situations.


Rubber sealing systems have a flexible construction that allows them to be sized and shaped to fit a variety of application requirements and sealing specifications.

Simple upkeep

Rubber seals are often simple to install and replace, and they don’t require complicated equipment or sophisticated technologies for maintenance.

Economy of scale

Rubber seals often offer better cost performance and sealing efficiency at a cheaper cost when compared to other sealing material types.

Адаптация к окружающей среде

Rubber materials are appropriate for outdoor or severe environment applications since they can continue to function despite a variety of environmental factors, such as humidity, UV exposure, etc.

Low friction coefficient

Rubber materials have a low coefficient of friction, which lessens wear on moving parts and increases system performance.


Certain rubber seals are made to be reused, which boosts productivity and lowers costs.

3. The composition and working principle of the rubber vacuum sealing system

3.1 Main components

Rubber sealed loop

The main part of the vacuum sealing system is the rubber sealing ring, which is often constructed of nitrile, silicone, or fluorine rubber or another rubber with strong flexibility and temperature tolerance. They successfully seal off the surfaces in touch.

Metal support ring

The purpose of the metal support ring is to sustain the rubber seal’s form and position while adding extra structural support. This keeps the rubber seal in contact with the contact surface even when pressure varies.

Auxiliary seal

Additional rubber gaskets, O-rings, or other shaped seals can be employed as auxiliary seals to improve the primary seal’s sealing performance, particularly in dynamic sealing situations.

3.2 Working principle

The sealing ring fits the contact surface

Rubber sealing rings in vacuum sealing systems are made to closely match the sealing surface’s shape. The sealing ring’s flexibility allows it to tightly match the contact surface during installation, creating a sealing interface.

Metal support rings provide support

In addition to giving the rubber seal the required support, the metal support ring also aids in keeping the seal stable under mechanical stress and guards against excessive compression or distortion.

Auxiliary seals enhance sealing

Auxiliary seals are frequently employed in dynamic or complicated sealing situations. To increase the sealing effect at the edge or interface of the primary sealing ring, additional sealing rings or gaskets may be utilized.

Pressure and temperature adaptability

Rubber materials’ flexibility and softness allow them to adjust to varying pressure and temperature conditions, preserving sealing effectiveness even in harsh settings.

Dynamic and static sealing

Systems for rubber vacuum sealing can be used for dynamic sealing, such sealing revolving or reciprocating shafts, or static sealing, like sealing permanent connections.

Protection of sealing surface

In addition to sealing, the rubber sealing ring protects the sealing surface against damage brought on by hard materials coming into direct touch with one another.

Compensation and stress distribution

Because of the rubber material’s elasticity, the sealing ring may somewhat offset the contact surface’s unevenness while also uniformly dispersing force throughout the sealing surface to lessen the concentration of localized stress.

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Rubber seals are often made to be easily replaced and maintained in order to account for aging and wear over time.

4. Main application areas of rubber vacuum sealing systems

4.1 Semiconductor equipment

Rubber sealing systems are employed in the semiconductor manufacturing process to maintain high vacuum conditions, which guarantee precise procedures like etching, deposition, and ion implantation. These sealing systems need to be resistant to potential chemical attacks as well as high vacuum.

4.2 Vacuum packaging machinery

Food shelf life is increased using vacuum packing equipment by drawing air out of the container through a sealed area created by a rubber sealing system. These seals must be resilient to repeated handling and cleaning procedures.

4.3Vacuum drying equipment

Rubber sealing systems are used to keep air and moisture out of vacuum drying equipment, which is frequently used to dry items in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical sectors.

4.4Vacuum reactor

Rubber sealing systems are used in vacuum reactors for chemical synthesis and material preparation in order to sustain the vacuum conditions necessary for reactions. This is particularly crucial for reactions that must be conducted under decreased pressure or anaerobic conditions.

4.5 Aerospace

Rubber seals are used in aerospace vacuum systems, such as aircraft environmental control systems, to preserve cabin pressure and stop air leaks.

4.6 Scientific research experimental equipment

Laboratory vacuum pumps and analytical equipment, including electron microscopes and mass spectrometers, depend on high-precision rubber sealing systems to sustain the necessary low pressure or high vacuum conditions.

4.7 Medical equipment

Rubber sealing systems are utilized in the medical industry, such as medical freezers and vacuum suction systems, to preserve sterility and avoid cross-contamination.

4.8 Refrigeration and air conditioning systems

Compressors and associated pipelines are sealed using vacuum sealing systems in air conditioning and refrigeration systems to stop refrigerant leaks.

4.9 Industrial automation equipment

Rubber sealing systems are employed in automated equipment, such as robotic arms and precision machinery, to shield the sensitive internal components from moisture and dust.

4.10 Vacuum coating equipment

Rubber sealing systems are utilized to maintain a high vacuum environment throughout the vacuum coating process, which is essential to attaining uniform film deposition.

5. Design points of rubber vacuum sealing system
5.1 Material selection

Temperature Resistance: Select a rubber material that will continue to function across the temperature range needed for the application, exhibiting both high- and low-temperature stability and flexibility.

Chemical Resistance: Rubber materials must be able to withstand exposure to a variety of chemicals, such as oxidizing agents, acids, solvents, and alkalis.

Vacuum resistance: Materials must be able to function under high vacuum conditions without experiencing undue volatilization or breakdown.

Rubber should be elastic enough to conform to imperfections in the contact surface and resilient enough to regain its original shape when pressure is withdrawn.

Compression Set and Hardness: Choose the right amount of hardness to prevent the seal from undergoing undue deformation or compression during extended use.

5.2 Structural optimization

Design of the sealing contact surface: Make sure the sealing contact surface’s dimensions, form, and surface roughness will complement the rubber seal.

Properly designed seal gaps prevent excessive compression or stress concentrations, which can cause the seal to break prematurely.

Static vs. dynamic sealing: Select a design appropriate for either dynamic or static sealing based on whether the application requires dynamic movement.
Additional seals: To improve the primary seal’s sealing performance, think about utilizing auxiliary seals like gaskets or O-rings.

Installation and disassembly: Rubber seal replacement and installation should be made easier by the design while maintaining sealing effectiveness.

5.3 Manufacturing process control

Precision manufacturing: Make sure rubber seals are dimensionally accurate to satisfy design specifications and sealing efficacy.

Strict quality control methods, including as material inspection, dimensional inspection, and performance testing, are put into place during the production process.

Post-treatment: To maximize the performance of rubber materials, post-treatments like vulcanization, heat treatment, or chemical treatment may be necessary, depending on the properties of the material.

Cleanliness: To prevent impurities that might impair sealing performance, maintain high standards of cleanliness throughout manufacture and assembly.

Batch Control: To guarantee uniformity and traceability, production batches are closely monitored.

6. Performance testing and quality control of rubber vacuum sealing systems
6.1 Sealing performance test

Leak rate test: To make sure that the leakage rate is less than the required norm, measure the quantity of gas leakage that the sealing system permits under particular pressure and temperature circumstances.

Pressure cycle testing verifies the stability and longevity of the sealing system under numerous pressure cycles by simulating pressure fluctuations in real-world applications.

Test for vacuum retention: Determines if a sealed system can sustain vacuum under extreme vacuum settings, preventing gas entry.

6.2 Corrosion resistance test

Chemical exposure testing involves subjecting rubber materials to particular chemicals in order to assess how resistant they are to corrosion.

The stress cracking test determines if rubber materials can withstand the spread of cracks when exposed to chemical media.

Hardness change test: To assess the chemical stability of rubber materials, measure the change in hardness of the materials before and after chemical exposure.

6.3 Service life test

Accelerated aging test: by raising the temperature or adding other factors, this test mimics the aging process that rubber seals experience over time.

Test for fatigue life: Using repeated dynamic motions, determine the fatigue life of seals in practical applications.

Rubber seals’ resistance to temperature variations is assessed using the temperature cycling test.

6.4 Quality control measures

examination of raw materials: Every rubber material that enters the production line must pass a rigorous quality examination that looks at both its physical and chemical makeup.

Process control: Throughout the manufacturing process, use real-time monitoring to make sure that every stage is carried out in accordance with the predetermined specifications.

Dimensional accuracy: Make that rubber seals’ dimensional accuracy satisfies design specifications by using precise measurement instruments.

Batch management: For simple tracking and quality traceability, label and document every production batch.

Third-party certification: To increase the product’s reputation in the market, obtain a third-party quality certification that is accepted by the industry, such as ISO certification.

Customer input: Create a strong system for receiving customer feedback so that you can quickly ascertain how well the product works in real-world situations and make the necessary improvements.

Continuous improvement: To raise the caliber of our products, we constantly optimize the production and design processes based on consumer input and test results.