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About the role of rubber in the bathroom industry .

Rubber plays a vital role in the bathroom industry, it is the various parts and accessories that are required for the proper functioning and safety of plumbing fixtures.

Bathroom Parts Rubber Seals .

Bathtub Drains Seal 1

Bathtub drains seal

Bathtub Drains Seal is a rubber sealing device used in bathtub drains to prevent water leakage and sewage water or odor from seeping through the gap while the drain is not in use. It complies with a number of certification requirements, including NSF P473 Certification, WRAS Certification, and European norms. The seal is watertight and leak-proof, allowing for smooth water flow and preventing water stains on the floor. It also provides sound insulation, durability, and is simple to install. The seal is simple to install and change, and it has a lovely aesthetic. It is a cost-effective solution to the leakage and odor problems. The seal is formed of elastic rubber, which keeps foreign materials out of the drain outlet.

Bevelled faucet washer

Bevelled faucet washers

Bevelled faucet washers are designed to create a sealing effect at angled faucet connections, making them suitable for installation. Made of silicone, they have a high flexibility and sealing function, preventing water leakage. They are certified by various organizations, including ISO, ANSI, and ASSE. They are flexible, adjustable, and universally compatible, making installation and maintenance easier.

Прокладка для встраиваемой раковины 1

Прокладка для встраиваемой раковины

Pop Up Sink Gasket - это высококачественная, экологически чистая прокладка, предназначенная для предотвращения попадания мусора в сливную трубу. Изготовленная из SBR, она обладает хорошей эластичностью и герметичностью, предотвращая утечку воды и неприятный запах из канализации. Она соответствует сертификатам ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ASTM и NSF. Прокладку легко чистить, она долговечна и герметична. Она оснащена пружинным устройством для легкого управления, регулировки потока воды и предотвращения обратного потока воды. Она также обеспечивает герметичность, препятствуя выходу канализационных запахов и сохраняя свежесть воздуха. В целом, Pop Up Sink Gasket - это удобное и экологически безопасное решение для слива раковины.

системы для ванных комнат резиновые уплотнители

резиновые уплотнители для систем ванных комнат

резиновые уплотнители для систем ванных комнат

Уплотнения - важнейший компонент систем для ванных комнат, обеспечивающий надлежащее функционирование вашей системы слива. К распространенным резиновым уплотнениям относятся уплотнения кранов, пробки, уплотнения вертикальных сливных труб, уплотнения резервуаров для воды и т. д. Эти уплотнители представляют собой круглые резиновые прокладки, обладающие хорошей герметичностью и долговечностью. Они используются для соединения кранов и водопроводных труб для предотвращения протечек.


Впускной клапан Уплотнительная шайба

The Inlet valve Seal Washer is a silicone rubber seal used in toilet inlet valves. It has good waterproof and sealing properties and is certified by NSF/ANSI, WRAS, CE, and ISO. It prevents water leakage by filling gaps between the valve body and core, providing a reliable sealing effect. The seal is durable, withstands frequent water impact, and is compatible with various toilet water inlet valves. It is easy to install and maintain, and can reduce noise and vibration during flushing. It is also compatible with various brands and models.

резиновые уплотнения для слива

Резиновое уплотнение для слива

Drain rubber seal is a rubber product used for waterproofing and leakproofing. It is usually used for sealing drainage pipes, sinks, etc. They are resistant to aging, corrosion, wear, and high temperatures, and can effectively prevent moisture penetration and leakage.

Flush valve rubber seal gaskets

Flush valve rubber seal gasket

A flush valve rubber seal gasket is a crucial component in daily toilets, ensuring a stable and secure connection between the water tank and flush valve. It prevents water leakage, improves flushing system efficiency, reduces water resource waste, and provides reliable sealing performance. Rubber gaskets are made of NBR material and meet various standards, including ASTM D2000, EN 681-1, and ISO 4633. To ensure proper use, choose the right gasket, regularly inspect and replace it, maintain cleanliness, follow proper installation and removal methods, and ensure water pressure is within the normal range.

резиновая шайба для сливной трубы раковины

резиновая шайба для сливной трубы раковины

The sink drain pipe rubber washer is a common seal used in daily life to seal the sink drainage system. Made of NBR material, it has good elasticity and plasticity, making it effective in sealing gaps. It is shockproof, vibration-absorbing, chemically resistant, and heat and weather resistant. It is easy to install and replace, and can be customized to fit different types of sinks and drain pipes. Certification standards include ASTM D2000, ISO 4633, EN 681-1, and NSF International.

shower drain rubber seals

Shower drain rubber seals

Shower drain rubber seals are seals used on shower drains to prevent leaking and maintain a tight seal. Made of NBR material, they have a density of 1.0-1.2 g/cm³, hardness 20-80 Shore A, tensile strength 5-10 MPa, tear strength 10-40 N/mm, and thermal conductivity 0.2-0.3 W/(m·K). They are certified by NSF, WRAS, UPC, EN, and ISO. These seals are effective in sealing, waterproofing, and preventing water leaks. They are durable, easy to install, and maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

Rubber materials for bathroom parts .

  1. One of the most commonly used rubber types for bathroom fittings is EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer). It is a highly durable and versatile rubber that can withstand extreme temperatures, making it ideal for different applications.
  2. Another popular rubber is neoprene(CR). It is a synthetic rubber with excellent oil and chemical resistance, making it ideal for applications that come into contact with cleaning chemicals such as bathroom mats.
  3. Nitrile rubber, NBR, is also another rubber used in the bathroom industry. It has high oil and fuel resistance, making it ideal for applications in contact with oil or lubricants,
  4. Silicone rubber is a highly durable and flexible rubber that is commonly used in bathroom components that are exposed to high temperatures and temperature changes. It has excellent water, chemical and UV resistance and is suitable for applications such as shower heads and faucet washing machines.

Bathroom Parts Application

  1. EPDM rubber is commonly used in shower seals, toilet flanges and other sanitary ware.
  2. Neoprene is also commonly used in toilet tank baffles, valve seats and gaskets.
  3. Nitrile rubber such as toilet baffles and sink drains.
  4. Silicone rubber is suitable for applications such as shower heads and faucets for washing machines.


EPDM, neoprene, nitrile, and silicone rubber are just a few examples of the different types of rubber used in the bathroom industry. When shopping for bathroom parts and accessories, the type of rubber used and its properties need to be considered to ensure its proper application.

Технические паспорта .


1.25 g/cc

1.25 g/cc


Механическое поведение

Номинальное значение (метрическое)

Номинальное значение (имперское)

Методы испытаний

Твердость по Шору (Шор A)




Прочность на разрыв (предел текучести)


1450 psi


Удлинение (разрыв)




Прочность на разрыв

25.0 kN/m

143 pli


Постоянное сжатие




@Температура 70,0 °C, время 79200 сек.

@Temperature 158 °F, Time 22.0 hours


Тепловые характеристики

Номинальное значение (метрическое)

Номинальное значение (имперское)

Методы испытаний

Максимальная рабочая температура, воздух




Минимальная рабочая температура, воздух




Описание материала


Методы испытаний





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