Резиновые уплотнения CR

CR (Chloroprene Rubber) rubber seal

CR rubber seal is a seal made of chloroprene rubber (Chloroprene Rubber). CR rubber, also known as neoprene rubber or polychloroprene rubber, is a synthetic rubber material with excellent physical properties and chemical stability.

CR Related Rubber Seals Products

CR V-образные уплотнения

Кольцевые уплотнения CR V в основном используются на поршневых штоках и плунжерах тяжелого оборудования. Это резиновое уплотнение обеспечивает хорошую стабильность и хорошую износостойкость, что предотвращает сдавливание уплотнительного кольца в зазоре, даже в тяжелых условиях работы, таких как осевая или радиальная вибрация, резкое давление, изменения температуры и т.д., может также обеспечить отличный эффект уплотнения. Подходит для гидравлического масла, воды, эмульсии и других сред.

Уплотнение масляного насоса коробки передач

уплотнение масляного насоса трансмиссии

The transmission oil pump seal is a crucial rubber component in the gearbox, sealing the oil pump to prevent leakage. It is made of oil-resistant rubber material, ensuring long-term performance and preventing leakage. The seal’s mechanical properties include tensile strength, elongation, tear strength, and carbon-carbon double bond content. It is certified by ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ASTM D2000, and SAE J200. Its advantages include sealing function, oil resistance, wear resistance, high-temperature resistance, shock resistance, and contamination prevention.

неопреновое резиновое уплотнение

Неопреновое резиновое уплотнение

Neoprene rubber seals, also known as neoprene gaskets or neoprene O-rings, are versatile sealing components made from neoprene rubber material.

Chloroprene O Ring

Chloroprene O rings, also known as neoprene O-rings, are a type of sealing ring that are commonly used in fluid or gas sealing applications across industries. It is made of a synthetic rubber called chloroprene, which has good resistance to oil, ozone, weather and aging.

прокладка из неопреновой резины 2

Прокладка из неопреновой резины

В современной промышленности уплотнения играют жизненно важную роль в обеспечении надлежащего функционирования оборудования и систем. Как универсальное решение для уплотнения, неопреновые резиновые прокладки широко используются в различных отраслях промышленности.

Резиновые уплотнения CR

Неопрен, также известный как хлоропреновая (неопреновая) резина, имеет вид хлопьев или блоков от молочно-белого до бежевого или светло-коричневого цвета, не содержит механических остатков, кроме талька, и не имеет обожженных частиц. Резиновые уплотнения CR в основном используются в качестве оболочек для проводов и кабелей, резиновых шлангов, маслостойких резиновых изделий, термостойких конвейерных лент, печатных резиновых палочек, резиновых плотин, строительных уплотнительных лент, дорожных герметиков, опор мостов, водонепроницаемых колпачков для проводов нефтяных месторождений, огнестойких резиновых изделий, различных прокладок и т.д. Резиновые уплотнения CR обладают хорошими физико-механическими свойствами, маслостойкостью, теплостойкостью, огнестойкостью, стойкостью к солнечному свету, озоностойкостью, стойкостью к кислотам и щелочам, стойкостью к химическим реагентам.

Неопреновые прокладки датчика уровня топлива

Неопреновые прокладки датчика уровня топлива

Fuel Level Sender Neoprene Gaskets are components used to provide a seal between the fuel level sensor and the fuel tank. The main function of Neoprene Gaskets is to ensure that the connection between the fuel level sensor and the fuel tank is sealed to prevent fuel leakage or external impurities from entering the fuel system. They often come in specific shapes and sizes to fit a specific model and design of fuel level sensor and fuel tank.

Уплотнительные кольца CR

CR O-rings have excellent weather resistance, ozone resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, oil resistance, and its comprehensive physical and mechanical properties are also good. Therefore, the use of CR O-rings is very wide, can be used as a general rubber and as a special rubber.

intake hosed rubber

CR car air filter intake hose rubber tube

CR car air filter intake hose rubber tube

The car air filter intake hose is a crucial component connecting the engine’s air intake system and the air filter, guiding external air and filtering impurities. These hoses are typically made of flexible materials like rubber or silicone, offering high temperature resistance, oil resistance, and aging resistance. The design of the hose considers air flow, resistance, filter function, and durability. Chloroprene Rubber (CR) is a popular material for CR car air filter intake hoses due to its oil resistance, weather resistance, high temperature resistance, and physical properties. Its elasticity and physical properties allow it to withstand high-temperature environments and vehicle engine vibrations. The hose’s design also considers air flow, resistance, and sealing properties.

The following are some features and applications of CR rubber seals

Устойчивость к погодным условиям

CR rubber seals have good weather resistance and can be used in outdoor environments for a long time without being damaged by ultraviolet rays, oxygen, ozone and some common chemicals.

Устойчивость к воздействию масла

CR rubber seals have good oil resistance to common mineral oils, gasoline and lubricating oils, and can maintain their performance and sealing properties when exposed to these liquids.

Heat resistance

CR rubber seals have good heat resistance within a certain temperature range and can withstand high temperature environments without losing their elasticity and sealing properties.

Эластичность и устойчивость

CR rubber seals have good elasticity and resilience and can quickly return to their original shape after compression to ensure sealing effect.

Области применения

CR rubber seals are widely used in automobiles, aerospace, electronics, machinery and other fields. They are often used for sealing automobile engines, transmission systems, hydraulic systems, air conditioning systems and other parts to ensure the normal operation of the system and prevent leaks.

CR rubber seals have a series of excellent mechanical, physical, chemical and processing properties. The following is a detailed introduction to them:

Механическое поведение

  • Strength and toughness: CR rubber seals have high tensile strength and toughness, and can withstand certain stretching and tearing forces while maintaining their integrity and sealing performance.
  • Compression deformation: CR rubber seals have good compression deformation properties and can produce moderate deformation when subjected to pressure to achieve an effective sealing effect.
  • Elastic recovery: CR rubber seals have good elastic recovery, that is, they can quickly return to their original shape after compression or deformation, ensuring the sealing effect.

Физические свойства

  • Density: CR rubber seals generally have a low density, making them a relatively lightweight sealing material.
  • Hardness: CR rubber seals have a wide range of hardness, and seals with different hardnesses can be selected according to specific needs to adapt to different application scenarios.

Химические свойства

  • Oil resistance: CR rubber seals have good oil resistance to a variety of common mineral oils, gasoline and lubricating oils, and will not expand, deform or lose sealing performance due to contact with these liquids.
  • Solvent resistance: CR rubber seals also have good resistance to some solvents and chemicals and can resist their erosion and damage to a certain extent.

Производительность обработки

  • Formability: CR rubber seals have good molding properties and can be manufactured into seals of various shapes and sizes through compression molds or extrusion molding.
  • Cutting and processing: CR rubber seals are easy to cut and process and can be cut, cut or drilled to meet specific application requirements.

General index reference for material physical parameters

Density: 1.23 g/cm³
Shore A hardness range: 50-90
Shore D hardness range: 30-80
Tensile strength: 5-20 MPa
Elongation: 100-600%
Compression deformation:
Compression deformation recovery rate: 70-90%
Compression deformation and permanent deformation rate: 10-30%
Temperature range: -40°C to +120°C
Маслостойкость: хорошая
Solvent resistance: Generally good, depending on solvent type
Ozone resistance: good
Acid and alkali resistance: generally good, suitable for medium concentration acid and alkali environments
Lifespan: Typically up to several years, depending on usage conditions and environment

Here are some common general defects of CR rubber seals

  • Aging: CR rubber seals may be affected by factors such as oxygen, ultraviolet rays, ozone and high temperature during long-term use, leading to aging, hardening and loss of elasticity. This may reduce seal performance and shorten seal life.
  • Low-temperature embrittlement: CR rubber seals may undergo low-temperature embrittlement at extremely low temperatures, causing the material to become brittle, lose elasticity, and easily break. Therefore, applications in low-temperature environments require special attention to selecting suitable materials or taking other protective measures.
  • Chemical Compatibility: Although CR rubber seals have good resistance to many chemicals, they are not compatible with all chemicals. Certain chemicals can cause rubber to swell, deform, or lose its sealing properties. Therefore, adequate chemical compatibility testing is required to ensure the suitability of materials in special chemical environments.
  • Dimensional changes: CR rubber seals may undergo dimensional changes under the influence of temperature changes and pressure changes. This can cause dimensional instability in the seal, affecting sealing performance. Therefore, when designing and selecting seals, it is necessary to consider temperature and pressure changes and select appropriate materials and designs.
  • Installation and maintenance requirements: The installation and maintenance of CR rubber seals require certain techniques and precautions. Improper installation or maintenance may result in reduced sealing performance or damage. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidance and recommendations during installation and maintenance.

CR rubber seals are widely used in various industries.

Автомобильная промышленность

CR rubber seals play an important role in the automotive industry. They can be used to seal many key parts such as engine systems, transmission systems, braking systems, and suspension systems. These seals can withstand high temperatures, high pressures and a variety of chemicals, providing reliable sealing to ensure normal operation and safety of the car.

Electronics industry

CR rubber seals are widely used in the electronics industry to seal and protect electronic products. For example, they can be used for screen sealing, button sealing, battery sealing, etc. of mobile phones, tablets, computers and other devices. These seals prevent dust, moisture, and other foreign matter from entering the device, protecting the proper operation and life of electronic components.

Аэрокосмическая промышленность

CR rubber seals play key sealing tasks in the aerospace industry. They can be used in key parts such as aircraft engines, fuel systems, hydraulic systems, door seals, etc. These seals need to be resistant to high temperatures, pressures and chemicals to ensure aircraft safety, reliability and performance.

Construction Industry

CR rubber seals are used in the construction industry to seal and protect various building materials. For example, they can be used for door and window sealing, wall sealing, roof sealing, etc. These seals prevent the penetration of water, gases and noise, improving the building's thermal insulation, energy efficiency and comfort.

Machinery industry

CR rubber seals are widely used in the machinery industry for sealing and protection of various types of mechanical equipment. They can be used in pumps, valves, transmissions, hydraulic systems, etc. These seals prevent the leakage of liquids, gases and solid particles, ensuring the normal operation and stable performance of mechanical equipment.

In addition to the above-mentioned industry fields, CR rubber seals can also find wide applications in chemical industry, medical industry, food processing and other fields. Their chemical, temperature and abrasion resistance make them indispensable sealing materials in many industries.

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