
The main function of O-Ring Seal for Water Filter is to provide a tight seal between the various components of the filtration system, preventing leaks and ensuring effective filtration work. The O-ring seal acts as a barrier, preventing contaminants from bypassing the filter and getting inside, contaminating the water source. Its reliable sealing ensures a clean and safe water source for a variety of water filtration applications.

Технические данные

Плотность 1.15-1.5g/cm3
Твердость 30-90 Shore A
Прочность на разрыв 7-20 МПа
Удлинение при разрыве 200%-800%
Диапазон температур -50℃-150℃


O-Ring Seal for Water Filter is an important component to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of the water filtration system.

  • O-ring seals are specifically designed for water filters to provide a secure, waterproof seal.
  • Water filter O-ring seals are made of high-quality materials such as silicone or EPDM rubber, which are known for their excellent resistance to water, chemicals, and temperature changes and have a long service life.
  • Versatility, O-ring seal for water filters is compatible with a variety of water filtration systems, making it a versatile component.
  • O-ring seal for water filters offers exceptional durability and long service life. It can withstand constant exposure to water, chemicals, and changing temperatures without deteriorating. This performance ensures cost-effectiveness and reduces the need for frequent replacements. Making it an essential part of most water filtration equipment.


The precise design and construction of the O-ring seal ensures a watertight seal, eliminating any possibility of leaks. This feature is critical to maintaining the integrity of the water filtration system and preventing any potential damage or contamination. The user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience, saving time and effort during maintenance or system setup. Easy to install, the O-ring seal design is easy to install, allowing users to quickly replace or install without any hassle. Whether for residential, commercial or industrial applications, this O Ring Seal for Water Filter can be adapted to different system configurations and is suitable for a variety of environments.


O-Ring Seal for Water Filter is widely used in a variety of industries and environments, including those that rely on water filtration systems such as pharmaceuticals, food processing and manufacturing, which benefit from O-ring seals’ reliable performance and ability to withstand harsh conditions. It can also be used in the following industries:

  • Residential water filtration: O-rings are widely used in household water filtration systems to ensure clean and safe household drinking water.
  • Commercial Water Filtration: O-ring seals are used in commercial environments such as restaurants, hotels, and offices to maintain water quality for a variety of purposes including cooking, drinking, and sanitation.
  • Municipal Water Treatment: O-ring seals are an important part of municipal water treatment plants, ensuring effective removal of impurities and contaminants from water supplies.


The O Ring Seal for Water Filter is an essential component to guarantee efficient and dependable water filtration systems. Due to its high-quality materials, watertight seal, simple installation, versatility, and extended lifespan, it provides multiple benefits for diverse applications. The water filter’s function is to improve water quality by filtering it. In this process, inadequate sealing may result in issues such as suboptimal water filtration, leakage, and degradation of water quality, negatively impacting the user experience. The inclusion of O-rings during water filter design can effectively restrict water and other impurities from penetrating the filter, guaranteeing the proper filter operation and the hygiene of water quality. In addition, O-rings exhibit remarkable resistance to heat, pressure, and chemicals, making them suitable for use in diverse environments. Water filters that use O-ring seals can thus serve different purposes in various settings, offering users an improved filtration experience. Whether utilized in residential, commercial, or industrial facilities, this O-ring seal guarantees the provision of clean and safe water, rendering it an indispensable component of any water filtration system.