About the processing technology of rubber O-ring

The processing technology of rubber O-rings is relatively complicated, and there are many production steps in it. In the processing process, in order to ensure that elastic rubber becomes plasticized rubber, it is necessary to effectively resolve the contradiction between plasticity and elasticity. With the development of technology, various processing techniques emerge in an endless stream. Various compounding agents are added to the rubber material to make semifinished products, and then vulcanized, so that the semifinished products that already have a certain degree of plastic ity becomes highly elastic seals.

At present, there are three main molding and vulcanization methods used by most seal manufacturers for production, namely molding method, mold transfer method and injection method. These three molding processes are currently used by manufacturers, most of which use com compression molding, while transfer molding and injection molding are relatively seldom used.

Introduction to the molding process of rubber O-rings

Sealing ring molding is a process of rubber crosslinking and sequential molding. Which molding process to choose should be combined with the precision requirements and batch size of the sealing ring, and you cannot choose blindly. Linde Polymer tells you about the rubber molding process.

The rubber molding process is to place the mixed rubber blank in the model, and then press it with a flat vulcanizing machine. It is necessary to specify the appropriate time, pressure, and temperature to make the final product. The molding pressure required by the compression molding process is higher than that of other process methods, so it is a high-pressure molding method. It has high requirements for the molds used for compression molding, which must have high strength, high precision and high temperature resistance.

Commonly used molding methods can be used to manufacture some sealing rings with relatively complex shapes, or the rubber can be placed in the mold with the help of formed female and male molds and formed by heating.

Advantages of O-ring molding

When molding, a high-temperature vulcanization process is required, which can effectively ensure the comprehensive performance of the sealing ring produced. The molded sealing ring has the characteristics of low internal stress, small war page deformation, and stable mechanical properties. The shrinkage rate of the molded sealing ring is small, and the repeatability is good. The sealing ring has high dimensional accuracy and smooth surface. Products with complex structures can be formed in just one pass. Large-scale production can be achieved, production efficiency is great by improved, production costs are relatively low, and it is suitable for mass production. For many varieties of products, small batch production is required.

Disadvantages of O-ring molding

The molding process is not suitable for seals with complex shapes, such as concave, side slope or small hole seals. For seals with high dimensional accuracy requirements, the molding process is not suitable.

Since the molding cycle is required to be relatively long in the entire processing technology, the physical strength of the operator is also relatively large. After a long time like this, people are prone to fatigue, and once people are tired, human errors are prone to occur. The flash of the sealing ring produced is relatively thick, and a lot of work is required to remove the flash later. The quality of the sealing ring will be affected by the preform quality of the rubber blank, the feeding method and the pressure method.

The advantages and disadvantages of the compression molding process of rubber O-rings are introduced here. As a frequently used molding process, the compression molding process has both advantages and disadvantages. Manufacturers should know how to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses.If you have any questions about rubber seals, please contact us, we will give you professional answers.