1. Application of rubber shock-absorbing products in construction projects

Modern cities are home to a rising number of high-rise structures, which raises the bar for earthquake resilience and vibration reduction in construction projects. In light of this, rubber shock-absorbing devices have found widespread application in the field of construction engineering because of their superior isolation and vibration-reduction capabilities.

1.1 Principles and advantages of vibration reduction and isolation

Rubber material has high elasticity and good damping properties, which can effectively absorb and consume vibration energy. Applying rubber products to building structures can reduce vibration response and improve seismic performance. The principle of this vibration reduction and isolation technology is to use the deformation characteristics of rubber products to disperse and consume vibration energy, thereby reducing the amplitude response of the building under dynamic loads. Compared with traditional rigid supports, the use of rubber shock-absorbing products can not only improve the seismic performance of buildings, but also effectively reduce vibration and noise in the indoor environment and extend the service life of buildings and equipment.

1.2 Common types of rubber shock-absorbing products

In construction projects, common rubber shock-absorbing products mainly include the following three types:

Rubber bearing

The rubber bearing supports the building’s gravitational load as a shock-absorbing mechanism. It is made up of a steel plate and a rubber layer. Rubber bearings are known for their great compressive bearing capacity, superior fatigue resistance, a·nd controlled stiffness. They are extensively utilized in load-bearing constructions like high-rise buildings and bridges. Rubber bearings may be categorized into three types based on their internal structures: high damping rubber bearings, lead rubber bearings, and steel core rubber bearings.

Rubber isolation device

Rubber isolation devices are used to enhance a building’s seismic performance and reduce vibration in the event of an earthquake. It is a composite construction made up of several layers, including steel plates and rubber. Its features include a significant vertical stiffness and a minor horizontal stiffness. It is frequently utilized in the seismic design of high-rise structures and important infrastructure because of its ability to isolate ground vibrations efficiently.

Rubber damping device

By absorbing vibration energy through the rubber’s internal friction, the rubber damping device lowers the building’s amplitude response to dynamic loads. Viscous dampers, friction dampers, and lead dampers are examples of common rubber damping devices that are frequently employed in high-rise structures and bridges to reduce seismic and wind vibrations.

2. Application of rubber bearings in construction projects

Rubber bearings are a crucial isolation and vibration-reduction tool that are frequently utilized in building projects. In addition to steadily supporting the building’s weight, it can efficiently collect and use vibration energy, enhancing the interior atmosphere and the structure’s seismic performance.

2.1 Types and characteristics of rubber bearings

Rubber bearings may be broadly classified into three varieties based on their distinct internal structures: steel core rubber bearings, lead rubber bearings, and high damping rubber bearings.

Steel-core rubber bearings provide strong pressure resistance and adjustable stiffness since they are bonded with rubber and steel plates. Lead core rubber bearings are ideal for locations that are prone to earthquakes because they feature a lead core inserted inside the rubber bearing, which can have a significant dampening effect. High-damping rubber bearings are frequently used to reduce seismic and wind vibrations in buildings because they employ specifically designed high-damping rubber materials with superior energy dissipation characteristics.

Since each of these several rubber bearing types has unique qualities, it is vital to choose one wisely for practical applications based on technical specifications.

2.2 The role of rubber bearings in load-bearing structures

Rubber bearings are extensively utilized in load-bearing constructions like high-rise buildings and bridges, and they provide the following functions:

  • Bear gravity load: To ensure structural safety, the rubber bearing can dependable support both the building’s weight and the usage load.
  • Isolation and vibration reduction: Rubber bearings are highly successful in isolating vibrations, absorbing and utilizing vibration energy, and minimizing the structure’s vibration response to dynamic loads.
  • Increased seismic resistance: Rubber bearings may significantly increase a building’s seismic resistance by isolating the impacts of earthquakes.
    Enhance the interior environment: Rubber bearings are an efficient way to lessen vibration noise and increase comfort inside.

2.3 Design and selection of rubber bearings

Numerous considerations, including as structural loads, seismic impacts, environmental conditions, and service life, must be taken into account during the design and selection of rubber bearings.

In particular, the self-weight and operational load of the building must be used to calculate the bearing’s bearing capacity. The seismic vibration characteristics of the engineering site must be taken into account when choosing the right isolation performance. Rubber materials with strong durability and exceptional fatigue resistance should be chosen, but it’s also important to take into account how temperature and humidity affect the bearing material.

Rubber bearings may enhance building safety and comfort and play a significant part in construction projects when they are designed and chosen with reason and science.

3. Application of rubber isolation devices in construction projects

One of the key technological tools available today for ensuring a building’s seismic protection is the rubber isolation device. It is possible to significantly lessen the building’s vibration response during an earthquake, enhance the building’s seismic performance, and shield the equipment and building structure from harm by placing a unique rubber isolation layer between the building and the base.

3.1 Structure and characteristics of rubber isolation device

Typically, rubber isolation devices are composed of a center rubber layer and higher and lower load-bearing steel plates. Natural rubber, synthetic rubber, or a combination of natural and synthetic rubber can be used for the rubber layer.

The primary characteristics of rubber isolation devices are as follows:

  • little horizontal rigidity, which efficiently isolates vibration from the ground.
  • It can efficiently absorb and disperse seismic energy and has strong damping performance.
  • It can consistently support the building’s gravity load and has outstanding compression resistance.
  • robust resilience to weather, extended lifespan, and durability.

Rubber isolation devices are perfect for earthquake design because of these features.

3.2 Application of rubber isolation in seismic design

High-rise structures, significant public buildings, and other construction projects requiring improved seismic performance frequently utilize rubber isolation devices. A seismic isolation layer between the superstructure and foundation of the building can significantly lessen the dynamic reaction during an earthquake.

Rubber isolation devices can specifically accomplish the following tasks:

Minimize the building’s seismic shear force and bending moment to safeguard the structure; Minimize the building’s displacement and acceleration between stories to maintain regular building operations;
Isolate the impacts of earthquakes and shield the building’s vital equipment from harm.

When rubber isolation devices are used judiciously in seismic design, buildings’ seismic performance and resilience to disasters may both be significantly increased.

3.3 Performance indicators and testing of rubber isolation devices

The primary performance indicators of rubber isolation devices consist of compressive strength, fatigue resistance, damping ratio, and horizontal stiffness.

Experimental testing, such as horizontal dead load tests, sinusoidal loading tests, and periodic vertical load tests, are required to identify these signs. To guarantee the device’s dependability and longevity, tests must be conducted on the rubber material’s mechanical and physical qualities.

Frequent on-site inspections of the isolation device are also crucial in order to detect any issues early on and fix them to guarantee the device’s reliable, long-term operation.

4. Application of rubber damping devices in construction projects

Improving a building’s resilience to wind and earthquakes is crucial for contemporary construction projects. Rubber dampening devices are a valuable tool for effective vibration reduction in this respect.

4.1 Principle and function of rubber damping device

The top and lower load-bearing steel plates of the rubber damping device are joined by a rubber damping layer in the center. The rubber damping layer will flex and provide damping force when a structure is subjected to wind or earthquake stresses. This will absorb and dissipate some of the kinetic energy and lessen the building’s vibration response.

The main functions of rubber damping devices include:

Lower the structure’s dynamic responsiveness and lessen the effect of wind or seismic loads on it; raise the structure’s equivalent damping ratio and enhance its energy dissipation capability;
Prevent vibration damage to internal building equipment and installations.

Because of these benefits, rubber dampening devices are a useful tool for designing structures that are wind- and seismic-resistant.

4.2 Application of rubber damping device in vibration reduction

High-rise structures, significant public buildings, and other projects requiring improved seismic performance frequently utilize rubber damping devices. The building structure and internal equipment can be safeguarded, and the displacement and acceleration between levels brought on by earthquakes or wind vibrations can be efficiently controlled, by placing rubber dampening devices at strategic positions throughout the building.

Rubber dampening devices may also be used to isolate the harmful effects of vibration on buildings and users by lowering the vibration of air conditioners, elevators, and other construction equipment.

4.3 Design and installation of rubber damping device

To calculate the ideal stiffness and damping parameters, rubber damping device design must take into account several elements such as climatic conditions, load circumstances, and structural qualities. Design techniques that are often employed include comparable linearization and dynamic analysis techniques.

To guarantee dependable functioning, the rubber damping device must be installed and positioned precisely in line with the design specifications. To guarantee the gadget operates steadily and long-term, frequent checks should be performed and issues should be fixed right away.

5. Quality control and testing of rubber shock-absorbing products

The quality of rubber shock-absorbing items, which are crucial anti-seismic and vibration-absorbing tools in building projects, is closely linked to the whole project’s performance and safety. Testing and quality control are therefore essential throughout the whole process.

5.1 Quality control measures in the manufacturing process

Strict quality control is necessary throughout the manufacture and production of rubber shock-absorbing items, and it primarily consists of the following elements:

  • Examine the chemical makeup, mechanical characteristics, and other indications of raw materials, such steel and rubber, to make sure they adhere to design specifications.
  • Process control involves creating a workable production schedule and keeping track of important variables like temperature, pressure, and time for every step of the process.
  • Final product inspection: To guarantee consistent product quality, a thorough examination of the product’s size, structure, performance, and other indications must be conducted before it leaves the manufacturing line.
  • Traceability of quality: To guarantee the traceability of product quality, establish a comprehensive system for recording raw ingredients, production procedures, testing results, and other data.

5.2 Installation, debugging and on-site inspection methods

Key parameters should be evaluated on-site, and rubber shock-absorbing goods should be installed and troubleshooted in compliance with building standards and design drawings for placement, fastening, and debugging.

Inspect the product’s geometric measurements to make that the installation location and spacing adhere to the design specifications. Measure the product’s length, breadth, height, and other major dimensions.

Static performance test: Put the product through a load-bearing test under static conditions, assess its deformation characteristics and capacity, and compare the results with the design indications.

Dynamic characteristic test: To determine the product’s impact on vibration reduction, do a response test on it under dynamic load using a vibration table and additional tools.

On-site monitoring: Once the building is occupied, sensors may be added to keep an eye on and gather information on the items’ long-term operational status.

We make sure the rubber shock-absorbing goods are placed correctly and function as required by doing the aforementioned on-site checks.

5.3 Maintenance and maintenance during use

Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary following the installation of rubber shock-absorbing goods to guarantee their stable, long-term operation:

  1. Examine the product’s look on a regular basis for signs of wear and tear, aging, etc., and report any issues quickly.
  2. Performance testing: To determine if the vibration dampening effect has decreased, do performance testing on the product on a regular basis.
  3. Maintenance: To keep the product in excellent working order, replace or repair any issues that are discovered as soon as possible.
  4. Environmental monitoring: Keep an eye on the product’s location’s temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters to make sure they won’t have a negative impact on how well it works.

6. Application of rubber shock-absorbing products in green buildings

As the idea of sustainable development has gained widespread acceptance, green building has emerged as a key area of growth for the modern construction sector. Rubber shock-absorbing goods, with their superior environmental performance and wide range of application benefits, play an increasingly important role in the field of green buildings as an essential anti-seismic and vibration-absorbing technology.

6.1 Environmental protection advantages of energy saving and emission reduction

Rubber shock-absorbing products have the following environmental advantages:

  • Resource conservation: The raw resources used to make rubber shock-absorbing goods are more renewable and ecologically benign than typical construction materials.
  • Reduced energy consumption: Products made of rubber shock absorbers are a good way to cut down on building energy use and carbon emissions.Noise control: A building’s internal and external noise pollution can be significantly decreased with good vibration isolation performance.
  • Life extension: Rubber shock-absorbing goods can have a significantly longer service life and consume less resources if they are used and maintained properly.

These environmental advantages make rubber shock-absorbing products an indispensable and important technology in green buildings.

6.2 Synergies with other green technologies

In addition to their inherent environmental benefits, rubber shock-absorbing items may work well in tandem with other green construction technologies.

  1. When paired with passive energy-saving technologies, it may drastically lower buildings’ energy usage.
  2. The rate at which renewable energy is used in buildings can be increased when combined with renewable energy technologies.
  3. It is possible to accomplish intelligent management and remote monitoring of shock-absorbing items when intelligent technology is included.

The value of rubber shock-absorbing materials in green buildings is further enhanced by this cross-field collaborative use.

6.3 Future development trends and application prospects
Rubber shock-absorbing goods will likely find many uses in green buildings in the future:

Product performance is always being improved to satisfy increasing environmental protection regulations.
The use of novel materials and innovative procedures enhances the goods’ capacity for recycling.
Intelligent monitoring and sophisticated management are made possible by a deep integration with information technology.
It’s extensively employed in more environmentally friendly building areas, such prefabricated structures and passive buildings.

Rubber shock-absorbing items will undoubtedly become increasingly significant as the idea of green building continues to gain traction in the areas of energy saving, emission reduction, environmental protection, and other areas. They will also become one of the most essential supporting technologies for the advancement of green building development.