Silicone rings sealing technology has always played an important role in the industrial and manufacturing fields, and different environments and applications require different sealing forms. As a common sealing element, a silicone O-ring is suitable for various sealing forms. Linde Polymer will discuss its common sealing forms, advantages, and application areas in depth.

About Silicone Rubber

Silicone rubber is a high molecular polymer material with excellent properties such as high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, and aging resistance. Silicone rubber is one of the most significant elastic materials in current engineering, and is widely used in the manufacture of industrial rubber products, electronic components, medical equipment, food packaging, etc. The exquisite performance of silicone rubber is due to its unique structure and composition. Silicone rubber molecules are a three-way covalent bond network composed of silicon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They have extremely high cross-linking density and weak attraction between molecules. This makes silicone rubber have amazing high temperature resistance and can work stably for a long time in the temperature range of -60 °C to +300 °C. Common sealing forms

  • Dynamic seal: Silicone rings can be used for dynamic seals, such as piston seals, piston rod seals, etc. In dynamic sealing, the silicone ring can achieve effective sealing performance with the movement of moving parts while maintaining a certain frictional resistance.
  • Static sealing: Silicone rings are also suitable for static sealing, such as sealing covers, sealing gaskets, etc. In a static seal, a silicone ring is placed between two flat surfaces and achieves an effective seal through its elastic recovery properties. This form is suitable for sealing liquids, gases and other media.
  • Threaded connection sealing: Silicone O-ring is suitable for sealing threaded connections, such as pipe connections, valve connections, etc. The silicone ring is placed at the threaded connection and fills the thread gap with its elasticity to prevent media leakage.
  • Flange sealing: Silicone O-rings are often used for sealing flange connections, such as pipe flanges, container flanges, etc. It can fill the gap between flanges and ensure the sealing performance of the joint.

Advantage of Silicone rings

  1.  Electrical insulation properties: Silicone is an excellent electrical insulation material. Silicone rings can also be used as insulating sealing components in the fields of electrical equipment and electronics.
  2.  Plasticity and processability: Silicone has good plasticity and processability, and can be made into silicone O-rings of different shapes and sizes to meet different sealing requirements.
  3.  High temperature resistance: Silicone O-rings have exceptional high temperature resistance, can maintain elasticity and sealing performance in high temperature environments, and are suitable for sealing high temperature media.
  4. Corrosion resistance: Silicone O-ring has good corrosion resistance to many chemical media, is not susceptible to corrosion and dissolution, and is suitable for sealing acid and alkali media.
  5. Aging resistance: Silicone rings have magnificent aging resistance, can maintain elasticity and sealing performance for a long time, and are suitable for long-term use in sealing environments.
  6. Elastic recovery performance: The silicone ring has excellent elastic recovery performance and can quickly return to its original shape under pressure and maintain an effective seal.

Application areas
  • Electronic communications: Silicone O-rings are used for waterproofing and insulation sealing in electronic communications equipment to ensure stable operation of the equipment.
  • Medical devices: Silicone rings are used for sealing medical devices, comply with hygiene requirements, and can be used stably in medical environments.
  • Automobile industry: Silicone O-rings are widely used for sealing automobile engines, transmission systems and other parts to ensure the normal operation of the automobile.
  • Aerospace: Silicone O-rings are suitable for sealing aerospace equipment and can maintain sealing performance in extreme environments.
  • Food industry: Silicone rings are suitable for sealing in the food industry, comply with food hygiene standards, and will not pollute food.
  • Silicone O-ring is a sealing agent with broad application prospects. It can adapt to a variety of sealing forms. Coupled with its unique performance, it can perform excellent sealing in many fields.